• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Hypnosis Natures gift will help to stop that hot red feeling that holds you back from exciting experiences

What you will learn

Hypnosis will help you Enjoy the things that you used to avoid because of blushing

Use EFT emotional Freedom Technique

Use a physical Trigger to feel good any time

Feel more comfortable in your own skin

eliminate feelings of worry with EFT


Hypnosis course to Stop Blushing Fast with Guided Hypnosis

has been created to give you a similar effective experience to what my private clients get, to help you to overcome and stop blushing with hypnosis it is important to realize what blushing actually is, blushing is a mini anxiety attack and what is most important for you to know is that anxiety is actually a human alarm system to help protect you.

However why anxiety becomes such a problem for people is that the alarm seems to go off for no rational reason. So what is happening is that your subconscious mind is attempting to warn and protect you of a perceived danger. Yes perceived not a real danger so just like people with allergies that are an over reaction by the body to again perceived danger because the subconscious mind believes the body is under attack from some substance it fires of its defenses causing the allergy.

So anxiety and blushing is the subconscious mind triggering off a chemical reaction in your body to cause those blushing sensations. Now with Hypnosis you will educate your subconscious mind with new information so that there is no need to cause you to blush.

What I will teach with

Hypnosis course to Stop Blushing Fast with Guided Hypnosis

1. You will begin by creating an image in your mind of what you want so that you will know where you are going and how you will feel and look without blushing

2. Learn a secret feel good trigger that will help you through any bad times or set backs on your way.

3. learn how your mind and body work together with some fun but important lessons that will improve the results of this hypnotherapy session.

4. Learn how you naturally resist changes even changes that can be very good for you

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5. Learn just how powerful words can be and their effect on you physically even if they are only self talk.

6. Learn who can and cannot be hypnotized

7. Learn how you can feel amazing any time you want to

8. Stop Blushing Fast Results Hypnosis Hypnotherapy bonus section

Bonus hypnosis sessions

A. Being More assertive Hypnosis

B. Director of your life Hypnosis

C. How to use and apply EFT in the bonus section an amazingly powerful technique that can eliminate any limiting bad feelings that have been stopping you from feeling great



Have your end result in mind to begin making the changes
What you want to get from this course
I cant visualize yes you can
Advanced Technique for feeling good any time
Feel good anytime
Proof that mind and body communicate
Power of your imagination Finger magnets
Power of your imagination Hand magnets
Power of your imagination Balloon and book
Resistance is what stops you making changes
The opposition response
Language has the power to harm or heal
The power of words
Your Hypnotherapy sessions
You cannot be hypnotised against your will
Instructions for best results from your Hypnosis session
Week 1 Stop Blushing Now Hypnosis
Week 2 Bonus Hypnosis session being more assertive
Bonus Resources
Bonus resources MP3 and PDF Downloads
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