• Post category:StudyBullet-10
  • Reading time:4 mins read

How to make a passive income on Reddit

What you will learn

How to set up a community on reddit

How to build up engagement on your subreddit

Earning money from your audience on your subreddit

How to manage your community


This course is designed to help show you how to earn money on Reddit, by building a niche community.

Broken down into many lectures, I cover who i am, what i have done on Reddit so why you should trust me. I currently run a number of subreddits, and the income produced takes me up to $100,000 a year, solely off Reddit traffic.

You will also learn why you should even grow a reddit community, and the exact steps on how as well as the essential setup you need to do in the backend, as well as topics like moderation and engagement.

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By taking this course you will be able to master the basic to intermediate steps in order to get a community growing without resorting to spammy tactics. As well as how to structure it for promoting your own products within it, monetizing your audience.

You will be shown the key insights on what will happen through your journey on Reddit, problems you may or may not encounter. What i do in such similar situations, so you can have a smoother experience.

Nobody else has a course on how to make money online through Reddit traffic, I have the only course with proven results, if you want to get earning from Reddit, this course is a must for you to take.




Who am I?
What am i doing through reddit

Why Grow a Reddit Community?

Why Grow a Reddit Community?

The business model of earning through a Reddit

The business model

Breaking down the business model

Research on relevant communities in your niche
Build a community
Tuning the setup of the subreddit
Posting content and platforms
Where to find content
Community Examples
Growing and crossposting
Pinned posts inside your reddit
Moderating the subreddit
Lead magnets and email lists
Finding offers or products to promote
Final lecture