• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:5 mins read

A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Elegant Python Code, Following PEP 8, and Unleashing Your Programming Potential

What you will learn

Python Code Style and Organization

Code Formatting and Documentation

Naming Conventions and Code Structure

Advanced Python Programming Techniques


Are you ready to elevate your Python programming skills to the next level? Welcome to “Mastering Python Programming: PEP 8, Code Style, and Advanced Techniques.”

Python is not just a programming language; it’s an art form when done right. In this course, you’ll embark on a journey to master Python’s elegance, following the industry-standard PEP 8 guidelines, and uncovering advanced techniques that will set you apart as a Python pro.

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What You’ll Learn:

  • PEP 8 Excellence: Dive deep into Python Enhancement Proposal 8 (PEP 8) standards, the blueprint for writing clean, readable Python code. Discover the secrets of code layout, tabs, line length, and object-oriented spacing that will make your code shine.
  • Code Formatting and Documentation: Explore code formatting nuances, such as trailing commas, whitespace in functions, and string quotes, while mastering the art of writing impeccable comments and documentation strings.
  • Naming Conventions and Code Structure: Develop the knack for choosing descriptive names for your variables, modules, and functions. Gain insights into project and variable conventions, handling exceptions, and designing clean interfaces.
  • Advanced Python Techniques: Elevate your Python programming skills with advanced techniques, including valuable programming recommendations and a deep dive into function annotations.
  • Real-World Projects: Put your newfound knowledge into action with hands-on projects. We’ll tackle projects like the “Array Grid Project” and the “Bullets Game Project” (divided into class and main components) following PEP 8 standards.




Python Code Style and Organization

What is PEP8
Code Lay-Out
Tabs and Line Length
Object Oriented Spacing and Encoding
PEP8 Imports and Dunder Names

Python Code Formatting and Documentation

Trailing Commas
Comments and Documentation Strings
String Quotes and Pet Peeves
Whitespace in Functions and Logical Operations

Python Naming Conventions and Code Structure

Descriptive Naming Styles
Project, Module and Variable Conventions
Functions, Methods and Instance Variables
Exceptions, Local and Global Variables
Constants and Interface Design

Advanced Python Programming Techniques

Programming Recommendations
Function Annotations: Part 1
Function Annotations: Part 2

Python Projects Following PEP 8 Guidelines

PEP 8: Array Grid Project
PEP 8 Bullets Game: Class
PEP 8 Bullets Game: Main