• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Play-Based Activities, Fun Children’s Videos, Games, Songs, Awards, Teacher & Child Certificates. Extra Merit Program,

What you will learn

Engage in instructional videos for caregivers and also fun videos, along with hands on exercises and activities to empower children ages 2 to 7 years.

Receive personal guidance with our 215 page Empowerment Resource Manual, packed with valuable information & 120 extra curricular merit activities for children.

Learn about our special helping characters, Our Ten Feathered Friends, where each character holds positive attributes that children can aspire to be like.

Learn about our opposing characters, The Thought Pirates, and how they can create havoc within the minds of children and also, with many unsuspecting adults.

Experience harmonious results by implementing the power of self-awareness, problem solving, choice, accountability, positive action, and natural feedback.

Learn to support children in problem solving and shifting internal conflict through our fun and engaging children’s videos and activities.

Witness self confidence grow within the children you care about as they learn to feel empowered through practical, hands on exercises and activities.

Dissolve difficult power struggles between adults and children and replace them with understanding, love, empathy, and compassion.

Learn how to communicate effectively with your child’s level of understanding for positive results that support improved relationships and connection.

Create deeper relationships with children as your guidance supports them in becoming the hero of their own life.

Learn about your 6 C’s to success as you apply them to this program & life: care, commitment, consistency, communication, cooperation, and connection.

Continue to benefit from empowerment videos that will be added to this program on a regular basis.


START CHILDREN’S EMPOWERMENT RIGHT HERE!  We believe that the greatest influencers for children ages birth to seven years begins with parents/caregivers of children. Our play-based empowerment program is for the use of parents, teachers, counselors, head start programs, preschools, hospitals, or any who care deeply about the  mental and emotional health and wellbeing of children.  We offer life long tools to support your child in developing a solid foundation of inner confidence and empowerment.

Let’s face it, life can be filled with unpredictable challenges, with external forces competing for children’s undivided attention. Did you know that children under the ages of 7 years, develop their core belief systems during these early formative years and 85% of these foundational belief systems, both negative and positive, are carried into adulthood?

Caring parents and child caregivers like you, want the best for children, however, it’s not always easy to support them in confidently navigating their way through every day challenges like problem solving, choices, and personal accountability. Our unique empowerment program is designed to shift challenges that young children often face, into new opportunities for inner confidence and a flourishing self esteem.


Princess Starseed & Her Feathered Friend, Bloozey, support parents and caregivers of children in building strong bridges of empowerment through fun and engaging hands on activities and videos that will ignite every child’s mind and heart.


EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM SECTION 1: The first videos in the program are an essential part of our program. They are designed to guide and empower the adult, so they can confidently implement the program into the lives of children. They set the stage for the foundational pieces of how the program works for you and the children you care about.

EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM SECTION 2: This section is for both adult and child/children to watch together. After watching the fun videos, each will be followed by a variety of engaging activities/assignments to easily motivate children through the empowerment program designed especially for them. The goal is to support the child in becoming familiar with our Ten Feathered Friends,  our Feathery Mascots that every child can aspire to be like. Other concepts will be shared as well.

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM SECTION 3: There are several bonus videos featured that you can watch with children, or that you can encourage children to watch independently.  These videos focus on empowering children emotionally, mentally and socially. We will continue to add to these videos on a regular basis, building upon the benefits and structures of the program. In order to receive the full benefits from the program, we highly suggest completing sections 1 and 2 in this empowerment program prior to moving onto Section 3 Bonus Videos.


Our Ten Feathered Friends, hold positive qualities that every child can aspire to be like. Our program features playful videos, engaging craft activities, and 120 extra merit activities along with reward systems set in place. In our merit system, every Feathered Friend has 12 activities for your child to complete successfully and confidently over time.

  • Bloozey is HAPPY
  • Rooter is BRAVE
  • Joey is THANKFUL
  • Chewy is PLAYFUL
  • Nibble is SMART
  • Rufus is CURIOUS
  • Skipper is HELPFUL
  • Crystal is POLITE
  • Sunny is FRIENDLY
  • Lucy is KIND


The Thought Pirates, are fictitious characters that represent negative or limiting thought patterns that often aren’t true.  A thought pirate will leave your child feeling disempowered. Supporting your child in recognizing what Thought Pirate is invading their space, offers them the opportunity to call in a Feathered Friend to help them turn challenges into possibilities. Your child will learn to change negative mind chatter into healthy self talk, resulting in positive choices. How do you know when a Thought Pirate is lurking around?

  • The Bitter Quitter . . . represents thoughts of quitting when things get challenging for your child.
  • The Belly Acher . . . represents thoughts of quitting when things aren’t going the way your child wants them to.
  • The Nay Slayer . . . represents self defeating thoughts when your child struggles with low self esteem.
  • The Squally Nagger . . . represents negative, nagging thoughts that are often repetitive.
  • The Fear Smearer . . . represents any fear that children often have through unfamiliar experiences.

Now that you’ve taken the time to read our outline, please take the time to watch the trailer! We’ve been waiting for you.

Let’s JUMP in with BOTH FEET and FLY HIGH with our Ten Feathered Friend’s.



Instructional Videos For You, The Parent

Your Empowerment Manual & Course Instructions
The Power of Choice
Download Your Manual Here
Exploring Possibilities With Your Child
Exploring Belief Systems
An Introduction To Your Foundational Support
An Introduction to Opposing Forces
Being The Guide In Your Child’s Movie
The Six “C’s” To Success
Let’s Start With Small Steps For Your Child
Your Inner Child And You
Fostering Choice Within Your Child
Your Empowerment Instructions
Our Feathered Friends – Dialogue Demo

Children’s Empowerment Videos

Let’s Meet Our Ten Feathered Friends
Surprise Bag Game With Bloozey
Let’s Make Popsicle Stick Puppets!
Let’s Move Our Bodies With Bloozey
Let’s Play Hide & Seek With Bloozey
Let’s Do A Finger Play With Bloozey
Meet The Thought Pirates
Bloozey Meets The Thought Pirates
Song: Let The Feelings In
Let’s Read “Anything’s Possible. Anything Goes.”

Extra Videos: Sing! Learn! Play! Read!

Let’s Sing! “Friends Are The Best.”
Let’s Play! “The Thankful Game.”
Let’s Learn! “We Are Connected.”
Let’s Play! “Imagination Creation Station.”
Let’s Sing! “Giggle Wiggle Snap!”
Let’s Read! “I Love Myself Today.”
Let’s Play! “The Happy Sound.”
Let’s Learn! “Fun In Nature.”
Let’s Play! “You’ve Got The Beat.”
Let’s Play! Christmas Imagination
Let’s Read “Alphabet Lunch”
Let’s Learn! Let’s Learn About Shapes In Space
Let’s Sing! “I’m Thankful for You!”
Let’s Play! “You’re The Best At Being You.”
Let’s Learn! Join Bloozey & Color Your World
Let’s Play “Your Friend in The Mirror
Let’s Play! Bluey’s Birthday Surprise
Let’s Sing! “I Hear A Beat.”
Let’s Sing! “Can You Imagine Possibilities.”
Let’s Learn! Let’s count With Bloozey!
Let’s Play! Farm Animal Fun
Let’s Learn! Jump into the Alphabet with Bloozey