Learn the Basics to using CMake
CMake Scripting Commands Variables Basics

What you will learn

Learn how to properly install CMake to your computer

Learn the naming convention for CMake scripts

Learn the 3 basic CMake commands

Learn the fundamental commands for creating an organized build system


Learn the fundamental CMake script commands to create an organized system for your programming project.

CMake is a scripting language used to assist in organizing multiple source files within a project. CMake is a cross-platform building language, which means you can transfer this knowledge outside of this class. Although I am using C++ and a Windows OS system, the language functions the same for other languages and OS Systems.

In this class we will start from scratch with a “Hello World” example code. Then build it into a fully organize and professional looking build system. Source files will be given their respective files and the same will go for header (C++ related) files and the executable file.

I will provide files needed to follow along, if you are also using the C++ language and a Windows OS system. By following along, with the video it will help with remembering the commands provided in this video.

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We will go through a total of 9 CMake script commands.

3 of them will be basic script commands that all CMake Scripts should contain, the other 6 will help in organizing our build system.

This course is provided for FREE as a way to introduce myself to Udemy community. I look forward to having you in my course thank you.



CMake Basics

Introduction to the Basics of CMake
Installing CMake to your OS System
Creating a Basic CMake Script
Fundamental CMake Script commands
How to work with Variables in CMake Scripting
Wrapping Up: Homework Assignment
Homework Walkthrough: Answer