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Color Theory and Psychology: Colors and our Mental Health
Learn how Color influences us physically, emotionally. Learn Color Theory and The psychology of Colors

What you will learn

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of color psychology and its significance in various aspects of life.

You will be able to recognize and explain the psychological effects of key colors such as red, blue, yellow, etc, enabling you to make informed color choices

You will have a thorough understanding of the color wheel, its structure, and its practical applications in design, art, and related fields.

Appreciate the importance of understanding how color is perceived in different cultures, fostering cultural sensitivity in your interactions and designs.

Emotional Resilience through Color Awareness: You will develop the ability to use colors as a tool for enhancing emotional resilience and managing stress

For each of the 13 colors, you will learn about the Psychological Effect of the specific Color in Art Therapy

Foster a Sense of Joy and Vitality: Discover how the vibrancy of natural colors can stimulate feelings of joy and vitality

Connect with Nature: Deepen your connection with the natural world through the appreciation of colors, cultivating a stronger sense of inner peace and wellbeing

+ Downloadable Course Workbook


Unlock the fascinating world of colors and their profound psychological effects with our comprehensive online course, “Color Theory and Psychology: Understanding the Impact of Color on our Mental health

This course delves deep into the close relationships between colors and human emotions, providing you with a wealth of knowledge that can be applied in various aspects of life, from design and marketing to personal well-being.

I am glad you made it to my page of the Color Theory and Color Psychology course! This comprehensive course will provide you with a deep understanding of color theory and the fascinating world of color psychology. Delve into the psychology of 13 individuals colors and how they influence our emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. Unlock the power of colors in design, branding, and everyday life.

Join us on this colorful journey of various video tutorials, where you’ll not only learn but also apply your knowledge through assignments and quizzes.

>>>>>THIS Course includes a whole module that exists in my BIG ART THERAPY COURSE Personal Development and Self Healing through Art Therapy, I am referring to module 3 called “Art Therapy and the Psychology of Colors”, so if you are already a student in that course, you might not want to enroll in this color theory course, because these lectures are identical.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Section 1: Introduction⎮The fundamentals of Color Theory

  • 1. Meet the Instructor: Get to know your instructor and their expertise in color theory and psychology.
  • 2. How to get the best out of this course: Discover tips and strategies to make the most of your learning experience. This lecture is best for students that are new to Udemy and need guidance in how to navigate the course platform.
  • 3. The fundamentals of understanding color theory:
  • 4. Quick Assignment: Quick Fun assignment.
  • 5. Color Wheel Quiz #1: Test your understanding of color theory concepts.

Section 2: Color Psychology

  • 6. Introduction⎮Color Theory and Psychology: Let’s get started.
  • 7. The color red and its psychological effect: Explore the psychology of the color red.
  • 8. The color blue and its psychological effect: Investigate the psychological impact of the color blue.
  • 9. The color yellow and its psychological effect: Delve into the psychology of the color yellow.
  • 10. The color green and its psychological effect: Uncover the psychological effects of the color green.
  • 11. The color pink and its psychological effect: Learn about the psychology of the color pink.
  • 12. The color orange and its psychological effect: Explore the psychological aspects of the color orange.
  • 13. The color purple and its psychological effect: Discover the psychological effects of the color purple.
  • 14. The color brown and its psychological effect: Understand the psychology of the color brown.
  • 15. The color black and its psychological effect: Investigate the psychological impact of the color black.
  • 16. The color white and its psychological effect: Explore the psychology of the color white.
  • 17. The color gray and its psychological effect: Delve into the psychological effects of the color gray.
  • 18. The color gold and its psychological effect: Learn about the psychology of the color gold.
  • 19. The color silver and its psychological effect: Discover the psychological effects of the color silver.
  • 20. Article: Colors and their psychological effect on us: Gain additional insights into the psychological effects of colors.
  • 21. Article: The Primary Color Yellow: Explore the significance of the primary color yellow.
  • 22. Article: The Primary Color Blue: Understand the primary color blue.
  • 23. Article: The Primary Color Red: Learn about the primary color red.
  • 24. Quiz 2: True or False: Color Psychology Quiz: Test your knowledge with a quiz.

Section 3: Conclusion

  • 25. Assignment + Certificate⎮Color Theory and Psychology: Complete your final assignment and receive your certificate of completion.
  • 26. Congratulations⎮Color Theory and Psychology: Celebrate your successful journey through the course.
  • 27. BONUS – (you don’t want to miss this): Unlock an exciting bonus at the end of the course.


The course can help you to improve your  Communication: Knowing how colors affect emotions allows you to choose the right colors for messages, designs, or presentations to convey the desired mood and tone.

Personal Well-Being: Applying color psychology in your personal life can help you make informed choices about your surroundings, affecting your mood and productivity positively.

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Cultural Sensitivity: Being aware of how colors are perceived in different cultures can prevent misunderstandings and promote cultural sensitivity.

Improved Branding: The right color choices can help build a strong brand identity and connect with customers on a deeper level.

These are just a few examples, there are more reasons why it can be beneficial to be aware of the psychology of colors and know a little about color theory!


My Course “Color Theory: Understanding the Psychology of Colors”offers you a 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee!


Can You Afford NOT to take this Color Theory and Psychology Course? Every moment you delay is costing you time that you could focus on learning more about the psychology of colors and your mental wellbeing!

Enrol today and let’s get started on your journey to personal development and mental wellbeing .

Click on the Enroll Button now =) See you inside the course

Yours sincerely,




Introduction: The fundamentals of Color Theory

Meet the Instructor
How to get the best out of this course
Download your Course Workbook
The fundamentals of understanding color theory
Quick Assignment
Color Wheel Quiz #1

The Psychology of Colors: How Color Affects Mood and Mental Health

Introduction⎮Color Theory and Psychology
Understanding the True Impact of Colors⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color red and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color blue and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color yellow and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color green and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color pink and its psychological effect
The color orange and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color purple and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color brown and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color black and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color white and its psychological effect
The color gray and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color gold and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
The color silver and its psychological effect⎮Color Theory and Psychology
Article: Colors and their psychological effect on us⎮Carl G. Jung ⎮Color Wheel
Article: The Primary Color Yellow⎮Color Theory and Psychology
Article: The Primary Color Blue⎮Color Theory and Psychology
Article: The Primary Color Red
True or False: Color Psychology Quiz⎮Color Theory and Psychology

Wrap Up⎮Color Theory and Psychology

Assignment+ Certificate⎮Color Theory and Psychology
Congratulations⎮Color Theory and Psychology
BONUS- (you don’t want to miss this)