• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Azure Networking services for beginners
Your practical guide to implementing and securing network services

What you will learn

Learn the Hub and Spoke network model in Azure

Learn how to log the network traffic

Learn how to secure and filter network traffic

Learn how to implement architectures using Infra as Code (Terraform)

Learn the foundation networking services in Azure

Learn the best practices for networking architectures

Learn to deploy multiple network components together

Learn how to manage and secure east/west and north/south network traffic


Welcome to “Azure Networking Services for Beginners” an all-inclusive course meticulously designed for those who are new to the world of Azure Networking Services. This course aims to provide a strong foundation in Azure Networking, enabling you to navigate the complex landscape of cloud networking with ease and confidence.

As a beginner, you might find the world of Azure Networking Services a bit overwhelming.

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This course breaks down the complex concepts into digestible modules, making it easy for you to understand and apply them. We start from the basics, gradually moving towards more advanced topics, ensuring a smooth learning curve.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  1. Introduction to Azure Networking: Get a broad overview of Azure Networking and its importance in the cloud ecosystem. Understand the basic concepts and terminologies used in Azure Networking.
  2. Virtual Network (VNet): Learn about Azure Virtual Network, its components, and how it enables communication within Azure. Understand how to create and manage a VNet.
  3. Network Security Group (NSG): Discover the role of NSG in controlling inbound and outbound traffic to resources within a Virtual Network. Learn how to create and configure NSGs.
  4. Azure Firewall: Understand the functionalities of Azure Firewall, a managed, cloud-based network security service. Learn how to set up and configure Azure Firewall for your network.
  5. Hub and Spoke Architecture: Learn about the hub and spoke network topology in Azure. Understand its benefits and how to implement it.
  6. Private Endpoint: Discover how to use Azure Private Endpoint to create a secure connection to a service powered by Azure Private Link.
  7. Load Balancer: Understand the role of Azure Load Balancer in improving your application’s performance and reliability. Learn how to configure and manage a Load Balancer.
  8. Service Endpoint: Discover how to use Service Endpoints to secure your critical Azure service resources to your virtual network.
  9. Private DNS Resolver: Learn about Azure Private DNS and how to use it to provide custom domain name resolution within a virtual network.
  10. Azure Front Door: Understand how to design and deploy global web applications with Azure Front Door, a scalable and secure entry point for fast delivery of your global applications.
  11. Application Gateway: Learn about Azure Application Gateway, a web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage traffic to your web applications.In addition to these, the course offers:
  • Hands-on labs and practical demonstrations to help you apply what you learn.
  • Real-world scenarios and examples to illustrate the application of Azure Networking Services in different contexts.
  • Quizzes and assessments to test your understanding and track your progress.
  • Access to a community of learners for peer support, networking, and knowledge sharing.By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of Azure Networking Services, giving you the confidence to explore more advanced topics and start your journey towards becoming an Azure Networking professional.So, are you ready to kickstart your Azure Networking journey?Enroll now and let’s start learning together!


Course intro

Introduction to the course

Azure Virtual Networks

Introduction to Virtual Networks
Creating Azure Virtual Network using the portal
Features of Virtual Networks
Creating a VNET using Azure CLI
Creating a VNET using Terraform

Azure Network Security Group (NSG)

Explaining the NSG on the Lightboard
Introduction to NSG
Deploying two VMs, Bastion and an NSG
Testing with default NSG security rules
Adding Deny NSG security rule
Creating Allow Outbound rule

Deploying Jumpbox environment: Bastion and VM

Introduction to deploying Bastion and VM
Deploying Bastion and VM

Azure Virtual Network Peering

Introduction to VNET peering
Creating VNET peering using Azure CLI
Creating VNET peering using Terraform

Azure Bastion

Introduction to Azure Bastion
Creating Azure Bastion using the portal
Connecting to Azure VM using Bastion
Bastion with Hub and Spoke model
Bastion with on-premises VMs
Cost of Bastion
Bastion SSH and RDP connection with Native client

Azure Route Table

Introduction to Route Table
Creating Route Table using the Azure portal
Configuring Route Table to route traffic to Firewall

Azure Firewall

Explaining the Azure Firewall on the Lightboard
Introduction to Azure Firewall
Creating an Azure Firewall in the portal
Firewall Policy Application Rules
Firewall Policy Network Rules
Azure Firewall DNS Proxy
Azure Firewall SKU Basic, Standard and Premium
Firewall providers in Azure marketplace
Azure Firewall pricing

Azure Load Balancer

Explaining the Azure Load Balancer on the Lightboard
Introduction to Azure Load Balancer
Creating an Azure Load Balancer
Configuring a Load Balancer
Preparing the network and backend pool VM
Configuring the Load Balancer rules
Introduction to Internal (private) Load Balancer
Preparing the VMSS backend pool
Configuring an Internal (private) Load Balancer
Load Balancer reaction to unhealthy VM instance

Private DNS Zone

Introduction to Private DNS Zone
Creating Private DNS Zone from the portal
Configuring and testing Private DNS Zone

Azure Private Endpoint

Introduction to Private Endpoint
Accessing an Azure SQL Server through public endpoint
Accessing with private endpoint
Deploying a private endpoint using Terraform