• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Learning to use the creation process to let go of grief.

What you will learn


Understanding Grief


Reviewing steps of the creative process


Using the creative process to work through grief


Meditation and Grief


In this course we go through why and how we grieve and what we can do to ease the challenges that come with grieving. We explore the creation process and how it can help us view our pain with a new perspective.

This course requires your spiritual participation and deep self-reflection. Remember grief is a process and it takes time, similarly so is the creative process. It can be a great partner for your grief. The thing is you will have to face your grief and acknowledge it.

We all have the capacity to grieve, but we do not all heal. Possibly because we don’t know we are grieving, maybe we feel like there is no other way, or that we get stuck in one mindset and never drop it or adopt a new one. What if we are stuck in uncertainty mode or a failure slump. Feelings of grief include or can show up as anger, guilt, depression, feeling alone and misunderstood, or in denial.

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We have to open the door to healing, at one point or another. Our pain won’t disappear, emotional wounds heal if we don’t keep going back to them and reliving them.

You have to actively participate in healing by learning to let go. Let go of the painful thoughts, redirect the, relearn, in order for new normal to take hold, so you can move on. Have you ever sighed after not being able to breath a full breathe? It is like that a deep relief, but we need to gently nudge ourselves in the direction.




Grief Intro


How Grief shows up

Understanding Grief
What makes us Grieve

Working through Grief with the Creative Process

Creation Process Poster
Choosing a piece of art to replicate and analyze