• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The PHP course for everyone! Master PHP with core and advanced OOPs, Inheritance, CRUD, Secure forms with MySQL data!

What you will learn

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Become an advanced, confident PHP developer from scratch

Become job-ready by understanding how PHP really works behind the webpage

PHP fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, Boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, strings, control flow loops, etc.

How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows coding coding

PHP OOPs – Object Oriented Programming Concept to build enterprise applications

Learn to Code PHP – MySQL forms Create, Read, Update and Delete functionality with real-world examples

Standard Functional application required forms with MD5 like algorithms

Client-side Validations: On Submit, input, login form, password strength check, etc.

Server-side Validations: On Submit all input data validation, RegEx and Input Type validations

Error Handling: How to apply try catch finally block coding to handle real-time errors.

learn What is Generative AI for prompt engineering
