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Join data from multiple database tables in Microsoft SQL Server

What you will learn

Query Data From Multiple Tables Using JOIN

Combine data using INNER JOIN

Combine data using LEFT JOIN

Combine data using RIGHT JOIN

Combine data using FULL JOIN


SQL Join statement is used to combine data or rows from two or more tables based on a common field between them. Different types of Joins are as follows:


The INNER JOIN keyword selects all rows from both the tables as long as the condition is satisfied. This keyword will create the result-set by combining all rows from both the tables where the condition satisfies i.e value of the common field will be the same.

The OUTER JOIN returns all the rows of the table on the left side of the join and matches rows for the table on the right side of the join. For the rows for which there is no matching row on the right side, the result-set will contain null. LEFT JOIN is also known as LEFT OUTER JOIN.

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RIGHT JOIN is similar to LEFT JOIN. This join returns all the rows of the table on the right side of the join and matching rows for the table on the left side of the join. For the rows for which there is no matching row on the left side, the result-set will contain null. RIGHT JOIN is also known as RIGHT OUTER JOIN.

FULL JOIN creates the result-set by combining results of both LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN. The result-set will contain all the rows from both tables. For the rows for which there is no matching, the result-set will contain NULL values.



Microsoft SQL Server Setup

What is SQL Server
What is SQL
Microsoft SQL Server Editions
SQL Server Installation Requirements
Download SQL Server
Install SQL Server
SQL Server Configuration Manager
Install SQL Server Management Studio
Connect SSMS to SQL Server
Restore sample database
What is a Schema
Basic database concepts

Performing Joins with Microsoft SQL

Note on database
Introduction to Table Joins
Why table joins
Inner Join
Left Outer Join
Right Outer Join
Full Outer Join