Mendeley Reference Manager - Become a Better Researcher
Start Saving Time With Referencing When Writing Academic Papers Using Citation Software

What you will learn

Create a Mendeley account

Download Mendeley desktop software

Use the Mendeley Web Importer

How to add the Microsoft Word Citation Plugin

Add a research paper from Google Scholar

Generate in-text citations in Microsoft Word

Generate your bibliography in Microsoft Word


Learn the secrets of never manually creating a reference or in-text citation again, with the new Mendeley Reference Manager (available for Windows, Mac and Linux) and take your research paper writing to the next level!

  • Have you spent countless hours trying to cite in the right referencing style only to discover that you had done it all wrong and lost marks on your paper?
  • Have you been manually creating your references?
  • Do you write a lot of research papers and have to cite a range of sources often?
  • Do you want to save time when referencing your academic work?

Then join me in making referencing easier without it taking forever.

What is reference management software and why should you use it?

Reference management software or citation managers allow you to collect, store and organise your references, and insert them into your documents quickly and easily. There are many options; Mendeley, EndNote and Zotero – Mendeley being the most user friendly and popular.

Once you have stored a reference, you can use it over and over again in your reference list or bibliography. This can save you a lot of time, as you don’t have to manually type a reference each time you cite a particular source.

Content and Overview

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This course will introduce you to Mendeley and show you how to:

  1. Create an account.
  2. Install the software.
  3. Add references from Google Scholar to your Mendeley library.
  4. Automatically generate your reference list in one-click.

We are going to teach you the skills that will allow you spend less time worrying about referencing and more time writing up your research.

I designed this course to be easily understood by everyone, there are no requirements to join the course, we only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to use Mendeley to help you become a productive and successful researcher.

See you inside the course!




Introduction to Mendeley Reference Manager

Setting up Mendeley

Creating an account
How to download Mendeley Reference Manager
Installing Mendeley Cite for Word
Installing Mendeley Web Importer

Navigating the Mendeley interface

Mendeley Reference Manager overview

Adding references to your library

How to add a reference from Google Scholar

Generating your reference list

How to generate your reference list or bibliography

EXTRA – Want To Take Your Research To The Next Level?

The Ultimate Guide To Academic Success