• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Java Foundations: Mastering the Basics
Embark on Your Programming Journey with Core Java Skills and Build Your First Application

What you will learn

Understand and apply the fundamentals of Java programming, including variables, data types, operators, and control structures, to build and troubleshoot basic J

Grasp the principles of Object-Oriented Programming in Java, such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism, which form the backbone of many modern sof

Develop the skills to implement exception handling in Java applications, enabling them to create more reliable and error-resistant code.

Complete a capstone project by constructing a fully functional Note Keeper application, thereby consolidating their learning experience with real-world applicat


Welcome to this beginner-friendly course focusing on Java, a key programming language in the technology sector. This course is designed for those new to programming, covering the basics of Java without requiring prior experience.

The course starts with an overview of Java, its importance, and its uses, followed by instructions on setting up a development environment. Participants will learn about Java’s fundamental elements like variables, operators, arrays, and control structures, enabling the creation of simple to moderately complex programs.

A major part of the course is dedicated to Object-Oriented Programming in Java, covering topics such as classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. This will provide a thorough understanding of how Java manages data.

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Also, the course includes a focus on effective program design, particularly on handling exceptions. This is to ensure students can manage errors and build reliable software.

The course culminates with a practical project: creating a Note Keeper application. This project applies the skills learned in the course, encompassing user interface design, file management, and common application features.

Overall, this course provides a solid foundation in Java programming. By the end, participants will be equipped to undertake their own projects, using Java as a stepping stone into the world of software development. Enrollment is open for those ready to start their journey in coding.



Introduction to Java Programming

Overview of Java and its applications
Setting up the development environment
Writing and executing a basic Java program

Java Basics

Variables and data types
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operators and conditions
Control structures: if-else loop
While loop
For loop

Object-Oriented Programming

Classes and objects
Encapsulation and access modifiers
Polymorphism: Methods overriding & Method overloading
Static and final keywords

Exception Handling

Introduction to exceptions and error handling
Multi-line try-catch blocks

Project : Note keeper

Creating frames for the application
Adding text area and scrollbar
Adding the menubar and menu items
Creating new files
Opening/reading files
Saving/writing files: Part 1
Saving/writing files: Part 2
Adding edit menu
Adding format menu


Adding Icon images
Adding keyboard shortcuts
Course Overview & next steps in Java programming