Finding the best materials, understanding proportion and movement, connecting it to fashion design with fabric texture.

What you will learn

Learn which materials are the most comfortable for them to use

Learn which digital apps and softwares are most suitable for figure drawing

Understand the importance and tricks to accurately create proportional figure Drawings

Understanding the fashion industry of figure drawing

Understand graphic design aspects and how figure drawing can play a part in digital art

Why take this course?

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Figure drawing is essential to many aspects of art especially in design whether you want to be a graphic designer or you want to go into fashion design or even video game design figure drawing will help your path be smoother and open the door to your creativity. Figure drawing does not have to be hard and as I have created this course I ensured that I would make each step easy to follow along. We will go over three types of materials starting with paper and pencil for more classical artists, and then we will explore painting for more abstract artists, and lastly digital platforms. I have tried my best to make teaching proportion easy for you to understand, with figure drawing there are clear differences that make beginner figure drawing different from intermediate one of those is the importance of movement and texture in fabric design so of course we will also be going through that. If you have a passion for Art and design I have tried to make this course easy and diverse for all the types of artists out there so for any reason you want to learn figure drawing this course will be for you.
