Your Best Year of Impact & Income Ever as an Entrepreneur
Create a Focused Action Plan to Implement the Inspiring Vision of Your Best Year of Creating Huge Value for Others

What you will learn

Use Entrepreneurial Impact & Abundance to Create Time for Fully Enjoying Family, Friends, Freedom, & Life

Live the Life & Enjoy the Lifestyle You’ve Always Dreamed

Put Your Life Before Your Work with Priorities-Based Time Management

Intentionally Design a Work-Life Balanced Schedule that Optimizes Creativity, Purpose, and Energy

Create the Vision for Your Most Productive, Impactful, & Abundant Ever

Use an 80/20 Focus to Identify Your Most Impactful & Abundant Projects

Leverage a Hyper-Focused Opportunity Scheduling Framework to Maximize Energy & Results


Are you an Entrepreneur looking to create more

  • IMPACT for the people you serve?
  • INCOME for you and your team?
  • FREEDOM to enjoy your family, friends, and life?

In 30-45 minutes, you can ENVISION your Best Year of Impact & Income Ever and create the ACTION PLAN to help you make it real.

If you are overwhelmed by complex and long-winded strategic plans.

Or feel like you’re riding by the seat of your pants.

Designing a powerful 80-20 focused plan can energize and inspire you (and your team) to direct your best & highest energy to necessary and effective implementation activities.

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Your plan does not need a lot of moving parts. It doesn’t need to be complex, and it doesn’t require hours of labor trying to predict a detailed future of micro-managed events.

Excessive planning leads to unrealistic expectations and planning fatigue that rob you of the energy you need to implement.

You need to focus on the 20% (or few) actions, relationships, and projects that will really move the needle to create the 80% (or majority) of your most desired results.

Envision an inspired outcome 1 year into the future and create a simple & focused plan for you to start living the life you’ve always dreamed.




Welcome – Let’s Do This!

ENVISION Your Best Year Ever

Your Best Year Ever Vision Exercise
Your Super Goals

FILTER Your Opportunities

The Vision Expander

SCHEDULE Your Success

Your Results Calendar

IMPLEMENT Your Schedule

Monthly Game Plan
Weekly Work Calendar


Closing & Beginning


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