• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:13 mins read

Learn the conception, design and holding of workshops with the systemic approach!

What you will learn


Professional background knowledge and tools for the first workshops


Conception of workshops


Linking systemic counselling in workshops


Planning and controlling participation involvment


Overview and creation of workshop designs


Examples of interventions


Team development as a separate chapter


Identifying and intervening conflicts in teams (separate chapter)


Case study and recommendations for action


Would you like to improve your skills as a (future) manager in terms of lectures and workshops? This course is up to date with the systemic approach and gives you the necessary background knowledge so that you can get started with your own projects right away.

The target group are (future) managers, project managers, people in leading positions or simply all people with responsibility in their jobs.

I have included scientific content and my own experience as a trainer, coach and manager into these lessons. This will give you a good overview of the most important tools and methods in holding workshops to develop and consolidate your professionalism.

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In this course we will deal with the following contents:

  1. Workshop: In addition to the definition of the different types of presentations, we will discuss the differences between groups and teams. We will also deal with the different occasions. This will give you an overview and you will be able to define the contents precisely in the coming clarification of the assignment. Since you as a consultant often have to do a lot of persuasion for workshops, we will also look at the advantages and arguments for workshops. This will be followed by a discussion of the differences in presentation and moderation in general. At the end of this chapter we will work on the skills of a moderator, so that you can reflect on your own.

  2. Systemic consulting: An essential feature of this online course is the link to the systemic approach. We start with a definition and an overview of the topic. You will learn about constructivism, which is one of the main pillars of the systemic approach. We also cover psychoanalytical perspectives to give you a basic understanding of transference and countertransference. We will take a look at the facilitation process and the emotional phases in change processes. With this model you can use workshops to provide information for diagnosis and at the same time implement group work.

  3. Conception of workshops: In this video series, the first thing to do is to discuss the main tasks of moderation. We will talk briefly about the didactic material and how you can make chairs in your seminar rooms. It continues with work orders and how you can control group work. Afterwards we will go straight into the subject matter, namely the different types of workshop. I will show you an excerpt, which, in my experience, are the most common. I will briefly go into the six workshops shown and explain their basic orientation.

  4. Participatory involvement: As a manager, you will often accompany employees on their way and may already have learned to appreciate the participatory approach. In addition, you will learn the basic building blocks of participatory participation. In this context, I will show you different ways of working together and also discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Often you will integrate all variants in one workshop, so that you get a wide range of variety and interpretation in your workshop.

  5. Workshop Design: This chapter is intended to give you a rough overview of how to design workshops. We start with a rough overview and go into detail. With this basis, you can then fully design the order clarification, which we will discuss afterwards. This also includes a clear and well-formulated definition of objectives, because only if you know when a workshop is successful you can be successful. Accordingly, we will also look at some sample formulations in the course.

  6. Examples of interventions: In this chapter I will show you the best and fastest interventions to be implemented in workshops. Most of them come from systemic coaching, which I have adapted for the workshop concept. Basically a simple and subtle approach, but where we always focus on output and information gathering, so that we generate real added value. So you should be sufficiently prepared for your first workshop.

  7. Team development: In this chapter we first discuss what makes good teams. In return, we will also take a critical look at teams. We will then look at the different occasions for team coaching so that you can implement the different approaches in your workshop architecture. An essential core element of this chapter are the development phases in teams. You will also become familiar with the concept of team roles. This will provide you with two comprehensive methods to help you diagnose and implement them. We will then devote ourselves to an extensive case study – a practical example from my experience. Together with you, I will go through the most important steps in the conceptual design from the initial situation to the implementation and tell you about my thoughts and ideas for implementation.

  8. Conflicts in teams: Sooner or later you will be confronted with conflicts in your work as a manager/moderator/consultant. Whether in a small circle during a workshop or as a conflict workshop. In this short video series I will go into the definition, because meaning and types of conflicts. The causes of conflicts will help you to sharpen your understanding of the diagnosis of conflicts and to start appropriate interventions. Furthermore, the systemic view on conflicts helps you to follow and try out a solution- and resource-oriented approach. We will round off this chapter with the escalation steps and at the end I will briefly discuss how to deal with conflicts.

With this online course you get recommendations for your own workshop design which you can implement for your own company.

Secure your knowledge advantage now and enroll in this course right now.

I look forward to seeing you in the course.

Best regards

Markus Edenhauser, MA MSc






May I introduce myself


What is a workshop
Team vs. group vs. organization
What are the advantages of workshops?
Differences in lecturing
Reflection tasks

Systemic consulting

What is systemic consulting?
Psychoanalytical perspectives
Systems Theory
Systemic attitude
Moderation process
Emotional phases in change processes
Reflection tasks

Conception of workshops

Main tasks Moderation/Facilitation
Didactic material
Possible room layouts
Work orders
Control of group work
Types of workshops
Diagnosis Workshops
Selection and decision workshops
Conception workshops
Vision Workshops
Conflict Workshop
Reflection tasks

Participatory involvement

Participatory involvement
Group work
Case study in groups
Large Group work
Reflection tasks

Workshop Design

Marko, Meso, Mikro level
Workshop phases
Context clarification
Order clarification
Definition of objectives
Further questions on the definition of the goal
Reflection tasks

Examples of interventions

Role play with perceptions
Poll about content
Force Field Analysis
JOHARI Windows
SWOT Analysis
Walt Disney Method
Reflection tasks

Team development

What makes good teams?
Teamwork under criticism
Occasions in team coaching
Stages of group development
Team roles
Case Study Team merger
Case Study Order clarification
Case Study Phase 1
Case Study Phase 1 Examples of methods
Team reinforcer
Case Study Phase 2: Diagnosis
Case Study Phase 3
Case Study Phase 4 action plan
Case Study Phase 5 Closing
Workshop traps
Reflection tasks

Conflicts in teams

Purpose of conflicts
Two types of conflict
Causes of conflict
Conflicts from a systemic perspective
Escalation levels
Dealing with conflicts
Reflection tasks

Closing chapter

Conclusion, Summary & Thank you