Learn the Ins and Outs of the Magickal Circle.

What you will learn

How to cast a Wiccan Circle

The basics of casting a circle

Some correspondences for the intention “protection” and other intentions

How to cast a non-physical circle

How to cast a physical circle

How to open a non-physical circle

How to open a physical circle


Merry Meet!

Are you a baby Wiccan or Witch? Then, merry meet, you’ve come to the right place! This course teaches one of the basics of Wicca and Witchcraft, casting and opening a circle. Circles come in many different forms and they are used as protection when doing magick. One typically doesn’t use a circle when doing spells, but a circle is almost required for a ritual. I say almost because nothing is required in Wicca and Witchcraft, Wicca being the religion and witchcraft being the craft. Both are extremely individual concepts. My accepted correspondences for an object are probably at least a little different from any other Wiccan’s accepted correspondences for said object.

This class will teach you basics of circle casting, the two main types of circles, physical and non-physical, how to open a circle, and much more. After every type of circle you learn about, there is a short assignment for you to create your own circle casting or opening. This may seem like a lot of work, but its really just at least a two line incantation and a little explanation of how to cast or open the circle.

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I look forward to having you in my course and I hope (and know) you’ll learn a lot from this course.

Blessed Be!




Introduction To This Course
Who is Alison Coyle?
Tools Of The Trade
Course Content Quiz

Basics of Casting a Circle

Why and When to Cast a Circle
2 Categories of Circles to Cast
Widdershins or Deosil?
Is rhyming important?
Basics of Casting a Circle

Non-Physical Circles

Why Use a Non-Physical Circle
How to Cast a Non-Physical Circle
Non-Physical Circles

Physical Circles

Why Use a Physical Circle?
Correspondences For Some Intentions
How to Cast a Physical Circle
Physical Circles

Opening The Circle

How to Open a Non-Physical Circle
How to Open a Physical Circle
Opening a Circle

Additional Content

A Look at Some of My Crystal Collection
A Short Flip through of My Grimoire
A Sample Of My Tongue Drum