• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:5 mins read

UX Design Theory

What you will learn

Understand about what exactly is User Experience Design

Careers in UX design Field

Product development life cycle

Foundations of UX Design


Hi learners! I’m John Naveen, a certified UX designer. I’m here to help you understand the basics of UX Designs. It’s good to understand the fundamentals before moving to the design process, and that’s why I created this course. By the end of this course, you will be able to understand the basics of UX Design!

This course is aimed at people who are interested in starting their journey in UX Design. It gives you a good foundation and understanding before moving into the design process. If you are new to the UX Design field, then this course is for you! We’ll start at the very beginning and work all way through step-by-step. This course is not only for beginners but also designers who aren’t familiar with the UX theory.

This course is divided into three parts so that you’ll get a better understanding of the entire UX fundamentals! Start learning today and gain knowledge.

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If you have any doubts regarding the concepts taught in this course, then you can contact me personally. I hope this course gives you a better understanding of UX Design Fundamentals and the careers in the UX field! Complete this first course and start learning the second and third course respectively!

Happy Learning!



UX Design Fundamentals Part 1

What is UX Design?
Introduction Quiz

Requirements of a Product

Requirements for a product to be successful
Section 2 quiz

Jobs in the field of User Experience (UX)

Jobs in the field of UX Design
Jobs in the Field of UX Design Part 1
Jobs in the Field of UX Design Part 2
Section 3 Quiz

Product development Life cycle

Product development Life cycle
Product development life cycle in detail
Section 4 quiz

Responsibilities of an entry level UX Designers

Responsibilities of an entry level UX Designers

Generalists, Specialists and T shaped Designers

What is Generalists, Specialists and T shaped designers ?
Section 6 quiz

UX Jobs at different Companies

UX Jobs at different Companies

User, End User and User Experience

Define the User, End User and User Experience
Section 8 quiz

User Centered Design and Design Thinking

User Centered Design and the steps
Design Thinking
Section 9 quiz

Designing for the Next Billion Users

Next Billion Users and How to Design for them
Section 10 quiz


Course Completion