Achieving Trading Success Blending Technical Tactics with Fundamental Understanding

What you will learn

You will learn how to test historical data in order to plan trades, planning buying or selling

You will learn how to test historical data in order to determine when to wait, being careful

You will learn how to blend 15 technical analysis indicators, strengthening confidence

You will learn how to incorporate 2 fundamental analysis indicators, forming holistic view


Build a simple and successful trading system using zero to low cost setup. Download RStudio (free) and R language for free and blend R environment with practical use of Microsoft Excel.

By the end of the course, use the new knowledge to pull price data from Yahoo Finance. Do the computations of price data in R environment. Transfer the processed data from R environment to Excel for further processing and polishing.

Get familiar with a standard process of steps. In Excel, for example, the final decision outputs will include 15 columns of data or action indicators. These will show a series of buy or sell elements; that is, 1s (ones) or – 1s (minus ones). These will be combined or manipulated to form totals.

These progressive totals shape important percentages, or key final outputs. The percentages act like Votes for you; that is, calculations and analysis, arguing to buy or sell particular assets. Simplifying a lot of data to simple percentages, or Votes.

In Excel, the Votes or percentages will show clear price patterns for particular periods. Hypothetically, for example, if you looked at Apple corporation (or any entity or asset), the Votes might output 70% yes or buy votes, and 30% sell. That output adds clarity to where you stand in relation to buying, selling, or doing nothing. The idea is to improve financial market timing.

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The percentages or Votes can be seen to be tactical. That is, data outputs highlighting cheap or expensive assets, connecting dots as to crowd sentiment or price changes.

The analysis and final output is revealing. It is new to you because the financial market prices change routinely, or frequently.

The system provides definite insights into price patterns for particular periods of time. Definitely better than guessing. The author of the course has been using the system since about 2022. He relies on it to make buy, sell or do nothing decisions.

The course material is less than 60 minutes in duration. To master the material, however, it is imagined, between 3-15 hours would be needed. Take your time and make sure you understand exactly what each section means or does. All the best.



Course Overview & 5 Arguments for a New or Different Way to Plan Trades

Part 1 Flowchart How to Decide to Buy, Sell, or Do Nothing
Part 2 Business Case 5 Reasons to Use RStudio & MS Excel to Buy & Sell

Proudly Produce Decision Data

Part 3 Setup Hardware & Software Environment
Part 4 Steps to Create Specific Excel Data or Info

More Possible Future Actions

Part 5 Notes & Further Actions