Learn How to Present Yourself Confidently, Positively and Professionally during Your Next Online Interview
What you will learn
How to answer the 11 most popular interview questions
How to craft and tell a compelling story
How to sell yourself and make a great first impression
Things to avoid during an online interview
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According to one study, 92 percent of adults have job interview anxiety. Virtual or physical, we’ll still worry whether we’re dressed right, sound right, and giving off the right vibes. And, lack of preparation is the main cause of interview failures!
Many interviews are now taking place virtually, especially in the early stages of the talent search. In recent years, online job interviews have become more popular and many companies.
While online interviews are similar to traditional, in-person meetings, they have some major differences that candidates should be prepared for.
Job interviews are tricky things, especially for all the questions being asked during an interview. If you don’t know how to answer these questions confidently, positively, and professionally, the chances for you to be selected are extremely small.
What do you say if the recruiter asks you: “What are your weaknesses?” or “What is your leadership style?” What do you say if the interviewer wants to know: “Where do you see yourself in five years?”
See, you want to know exactly how to answer these questions correctly to sell your personality, skills, and expertise to the interviewer or recruiter.
In short: if you want to ace your next online job interview and increase your chances of getting hired then you will love this course!
Going through an online job interview for the first time can be scary, but I am here to help! “How To Master Your Online Interview Skills” will help you succeed!
Eventually, you will get the job you want and earn more money!
So, let’s get started!
What is this course about?
In this course, I will teach you how to answer the most common interview questions in a super-confident way. Everything that I am teaching in this class is also suitable for face-to-face interviews!
For whom is this course for?
This course is for everyone who is preparing for his/her next online job interview.
You will learn a ton of new things including:
- How to handle and answer the 11 most popular interview questions
- How to sell yourself in a confident and professional way
- How to craft and tell a compelling story. You are going to learn the S.O.A.R. techniques
- Additional resources include sample Q&A sheets, an action, a keyword list to use in your pitch, and more!
- I share many of my personal stories and examples which you can use as a guideline
Your goal is to make a great and professional first impression and improve your chances of landing that next job.
How and where can you apply the new knowledge?
You can apply this knowledge in your next job interview to stand out and drastically increase your chances of being selected.
How will you benefit?
This course will prepare you for your next online job interview. After finishing this course, you will have increased your interview skills significantly. You will be more knowledgeable and feel more confident and secure in presenting yourself to the recruiter. You will learn how to emphasize your strengths. You will stand out over other applicants and increase your chances of making it to the next round.