• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Build from scratch a clean PHP 8.2 backend API based on scalable and powerful N-Tier architecture

What you will learn

Build a robust and professional-grade RESTful PHP API

Be able to create a solid PHP API application from scratch

Concepts of REST APIs and why they are essential in modern web development

Database integration and ORM (Object Relational Mapping)

Be familiar with the PHP dependency manager

Use various packages to speed up the software development time

Best practices while creating an API with PHP (the hidden parts)

Best practices behind designing and implementing a PHP API, including endpoints, HTTP methods and data validation.

API error handling and security measures

Learn the essential newest features any advanced PHP engineers must use such as `match`, `enum`, arrow functions

Rewrite API URLs to friendly readable names (with Apache 2.4)


Are you eager to master the art of building professional and efficient REST APIs using the latest features of PHP 8? Look no further! This comprehensive Udemy course will equip you with all the necessary skills and knowledge to create robust n-tier RESTful APIs using PHP 8.2.

Whether you are a seasoned PHP developer or a beginner looking to dive into API development, this course is designed to cater to your needs. Through a hands-on approach, you’ll learn step-by-step how to design, build, and secure a fully functional REST API from scratch.

Starting with the fundamentals, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the REST architectural style and its principles. You’ll explore the HTTP protocol and learn how to leverage its methods and status codes to create API endpoints that adhere to industry standards.

As you progress, you’ll delve into the world of PHP 8, discovering its latest features and enhancements that make API development more streamlined and efficient. You’ll learn how to set up your development environment, configure PHP for optimal performance, and harness the power of the PHP 8 syntax (such as the `match` expression, the PHP 8.1 `enums`, and so much more!).

Throughout the course, you’ll work on real-world projects, allowing you to apply your knowledge to practical scenarios. You’ll learn how to handle authentication and authorization, implement CRUD operations, handle error responses, and optimize your API for scalability and performance.

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Moreover, you’ll explore best practices and design patterns for building clean, maintainable, and testable code. You’ll become familiar with popular PHP frameworks and libraries that simplify the API development process, such as Laravel, Lumen, and Slim.

In addition to these frameworks, you’ll also utilize essential Composer packages like RedBean and DotEnv PHP. RedBean provides an easy-to-use ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) solution for database management, while DotEnv PHP allows you to manage environment variables effortlessly, enhancing the security and portability of your API.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in creating RESTful APIs using PHP 8 and be ready to tackle complex API projects with confidence. Whether you’re building APIs for mobile applications, web services, or IoT devices, this course will empower you to unleash the full potential of PHP 8 for API development.

Enrol the course now and embark on a journey to become a proficient REST API developer with PHP 8!




1. PHP API from scratch
2. PHP in 2023
3. JWT Token with RESTFul API

Building the backend API

4. Install Composer & Firebase PHP JWT
5. Create your first file!
6. Include files and composer autoloader
7. Creating endpoints in our PHP service
8. PHP 8.1 User & Composer requirements
9. (if needed) Upgrade your PHP version to correct one
10. Use an API client (Insomnia – Postman)
11. HTTP methods for RESTful API architecture CRUD
12. Implement User class
13. Helpers and Headers
14. Add namespace and composer autoload
15. Implementing your first API Routes
16. Implement match and enum PHP 8.0 and 8.1
17. Completing user routes and handle requests
18. Read the API payload body data and that it from the backend server
19. Validate endpoints
20. Add missing arguments
21. Initialize Git
22. Add just-http-status-codes and php-http-response-header packages
23. Save our code on a Git hosting platform (GitHub)
24. Refactor the payload validation
25. Add support for generating UUID (GUID)
26. Setup ORM RedBeanPHP, and MySQL on development machine
27. Handle exceptions beautifully and convert into JSON format

Apache local host

28. Setup a local Apache Server

Avances concerts for the backend API

29. Set a default response on index root request
30. Rewrite URLs to beautiful friendly ones
31. Let’s use the RedBeanPHP ORM in our API
32. Secure RedBeanPHP
33. Codebase Quick Cleanup
34. Retrieve a user from the database with RedBeanPHP
35. Retrieve all users from the database with RedBeanPHP
36. Remove an existing user from the database (with RedBean PHP)
37. Update a saved user in the database
38. Refactor PHP enum in user.routes
39. Send proper HTTP status codes for each API endpoint
40. Clean Code – Write self-documenting code instead of comments
Let’s create the Food Item
42. Validate the received HTTP methods for API endpoints
43. Make sure a user has a unique email + save and encrypt password
44. Optional – Move hash_password to its own function
45. Login a user
46. Store the JWT expiry time into ENV variable
47. Refactoring – Implement UserEntity into User Data Access Layer
48. Refactoring – Create FoodEntity to build a food product
49. Store JWT token into database table
50. Store user JWT token and last activity into the database
51. Good practices and enhancements
51.1. Final API refactoring

Unit Testing

52. Start writing your unit tests. Setup and configure PHPUnit
53. Add your unit tests – Part 1 (User Entity)
54. Add your unit tests – Part 2 (Item Entity)
55. Add CI GitHub workflows pipeline

What about the client? Frontend

56. What’s next? Build your frontend
57. Architecture Diagram – Backend and Frontend
Diagram – Example of a PHP REST API architecture

Source Code / GitHub Repositories

Final Source Code and GitHub Repository


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External resources
Online PHP 8.2 Sandbox