• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Strategic Branding Design Mastery TM
Real Time Case Study

What you will learn

Comprehensive Branding Process

Market Demand Awareness

Real-Time Case Study – MHS Honey

Step-by-Step Branding Design Breakdown

Market Analysis and Customer Interaction

Understanding Brand Mission and Values

SWOT Analysis and Permutation Considerations

Typeface and Color Sensitization

Retail Design Model Proposal

Visualization Skills Mastery


Dive into the dynamic world of branding design with our comprehensive course, “Strategic Branding Design Mastery.” This course unfolds the intricacies of the branding design process through a step-by-step journey, focusing on the creation of brand identity and visualization of brand elements. The centerpiece of our exploration is a real-time case study, delving into the nuances of a direct customer interaction project for the esteemed brand, MHS Honey.

Design Philosophy:

As a firm believer in learning by doing, this course adopts a unique approach to design education. Design is not a formulaic discipline but a creative journey shaped by individual perspectives. Through engaging case studies and hands-on activities, we empower learners to grasp the essence of branding design.

Benefits of this Course:

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  1. Holistic Understanding of Branding Design:
    • Gain a comprehensive perspective on the branding design process, covering research, ideation, strategy formulation, and conception. Benefit from practical insights derived from real-world experiences.
  2. Job Market Insights:
    • Learn about the demand for branding design skills in India and the essential skill set required for securing positions as a brand designer in corporates or startups.
  3. Real-Time Case Study – MHS Honey:
    • Explore a live example of a branding design project for MHS Honey, encompassing identity design for containers, graphics, logo, label design, and posters.
  4. Breakdown of Branding Design Steps:
    • Delve into the intricacies of each step in the branding design process, including determining the current brand, competition study, mapping and identifying USPs, product differentiators, and feedback with customers.
  5. Market Analysis and Customer Insights:
    • Access real-time photos, videos of market scenes, and direct interviews with dealers and shipowners, providing valuable insights for effective branding design.
  6. Understanding Brand Mission and Values:
    • Learn how to interact with customers to understand the brand’s mission, vision, and values, uncovering unique differentiators that shape the brand’s identity.
  7. SWOT Analysis and Permutation Considerations:
    • Conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis of brand positioning, exploring various permutations and combinations related to cost, taste, nutrition value, and availability.
  8. Typeface and Color Sensitization:
    • Develop a keen sense of typeface identification, color selection for logos, typefaces, and label designs based on the brand’s identity.
  9. Retail Design Model Proposal:
    • Gain insights into proposing retail design models, considering cost circulation and economic factors that influence design decisions.
  10. Visualization Skills Mastery:
    • Hone your visualization skills, including sketching, 3D modeling, and rendering, to bring your branding design concepts to life.

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of strategic branding design, equipping yourself with practical skills and insights essential for success in the dynamic field of design.


Dr. FAK Noble Ai Researcher, Scientists, Product Developer, Innovator & Pure Consciousness Expert

Founder of Noble Transformation Hub TM





Why Branding Design is Important ?

Why Branding Design is Important ?

Design Process

Design Process

Determining Current Brand

Determining Current Brand

Competitor Study

Competitor Study

Mapping USP Over Competitors

Mapping USP Over Competitors

LOGO, Typeface Design for Branding Design

LOGO, Typeface Design for Branding Design

Label Design

Label Design

Bottle Packaging Design

Bottle Packaging Design

Retail Experince

Retail Experince

Further Steps in Project

Further Steps in Project

Recap Learnings and Conclusion

Recap Learnings and Conclusion