|| Full Lab || Learn To Monitor by SolarWinds NPM, NTA, NCM, WPM. The Best Solarwinds NPM course / SCP-500 Practice Exam

What you will learn

Deploy and configure SolarWinds NPM, NTA, NCM, WPM, Pingdom

Monitoring Network Devices

Monitor Servers

Manage Network

Troubleshoot Network Devices

Troubleshoot Orion Console

Solarwinds certificate scp

Solarwinds course

SCP-500 practice test


When users report an error, it’s easy to jump to finger-pointing. Eliminate blame and ensure users have the services they need by understanding the critical network paths with Network Performance Monitor. NPM network monitoring is designed to show all devices, applications, networks, and vendors in single-page path analysis for more signal and less noise to quickly isolate network slowdowns.

This SolarWinds NPM Course would help a lot to understand the concepts of monitoring Network Devices. The constant monitoring process gathers metrics that serve troubleshooting tasks. Best SolarWinds Course. SCP-500 exam

SolarWinds training videos will show you how to use key features of NPM, NTA, NCM, WPM, Pingdom. Becoming a Solarwinds Certified Professional (SCP) helps ensure you have the technical expertise to effectively use and maintain SolarWinds network and systems management products. Earn a Solarwinds Certified Professional certificate to improve your marketability as an IT professional and stand out from the crowd.

GNS3 Full Lab Will help you practice and test the products in order to have 100% confidence in yourself. I believe a good course should always include a session to practice. Deploying the GNS3 lab will make you discovering the product as also discovering some devices like Cisco, Fortigate, Sophos XG, Mikrotik

Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is a powerful and affordable network monitoring software that enables you to quickly detect, diagnose, and resolve network performance problems and outages.

Who this course is for:

· Take this Udemy SolarWinds course if you want to get an Information Technology Job.

· Anyone who wants to learn about Monitoring Virtual Datacenter, and Cloud.

· Highly recommended for Monitoring Administrator and Network Engineers.

Modules:  Network Performance Monitor ( NPM ), Netflow Traffic Analyzer ( NTA ), Network Configuration Manager (  NCM ), Web Performance Monitor ( WPM )






GNS 3 For Lab

What Is GNS3

How To Install GNS3

Import Network Devices Images Into GNS3

Prepare Network Devices on GNS3

Import Network Images To GNS3

Lab 1

Prepare VM For SolarWinds Install

Download SolarWinds NPM Offline Installer

Lightweight VS Standard Install

Install Lightweight Orion & How to Uninstall it Properly

Orion Standard Install

Orion Standard Install Part2

SolarWinds NPM Chapter 1

What Is SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor NPM

What is Orion Console?

Orion Architecture and Requirements

What is SNMP?


NPM Licensing

Configure Switch To Add it to NPM

Network Discovery In Orion & Adding Node Manually

Browsing a Managed Node

Adding Windows Servers By SNMP

Adding Servers by WMI to NPM

Fortigate & Mikrotik Enable SNMP

Configure SNMPv3 & Configure Netflow

SolarWinds Chapter 2

Create Maps in Orion

Customize Orion Page

Build & Customize NOC View

Orion Users & Groups

When to Use Universal Device Poller UnDP

How to Create a Universal Device Poller (UnDP) in NPM

SolarWinds Configure Smart Alerts

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SolarWinds Configure Smart Alerts

Create a Dependency For Alerts

Another Example of Creating an Alert

SolarWinds Advanced Alerts Configuration SQL / SWQL Script

Features in NPM SolarWinds

Quality of Experience (QoE)



Performance Analysis (Perfstack)

SolarWinds Orion Report Feature

Reports on Orion Console

SolarWinds High Availability

How HA in SolarWinds Works

Install and Adding HA Server

Live Test HA (Force Failover)

Live Test a Real Failover

Licensing For HA

Adding Additional Website

Orion Polling Engine

What is Orion Polling Engine?

How To Add new Polling Engine

Licensing For Poling Engines

Frequent Questions

Orion Settings

Settings in Orion Console

Log Analyzer Orion SolarWinds

Discover Log Analyzer In Orion

SolarWinds NTA

What Is NTA SolarWinds

Install NTA

How to configure NetFlow for Cisco routers and switches running IOS

How To Enable Netflow for cisco using a SolarWinds Tool

Filter in NTA Monitor Bandwidth Used By Application, Protocol…

SolarWinds NCM

What is NCM SolarWinds

How To Install NCM To Orion

How To Enable a Node in NCM

Backup Device & Download Configuration

Compare Configuration Nodes In NCM

NCM Jobs

Compliance Report

Firmware Upgrade

NCM Configuration Management Approval & Some Other Settings

SolarWinds WPM

What Is WPM

Install WPM

Setup WPM Recorder & Start Recording Transactions

Discover Features In WPM

SolarWinds PingDom (Cloud)

Pingdom Features

Integration Pingdom & WPM via API

Best Practices To Secure SolarWinds Orion

SolarWinds Orion Best Practices

Mitigate your Orion Platform from the risk of the SUPERNOVA vulnerability

Secure Orion Page

Troubleshooting SolarWinds Orion

Troubleshooting SolarWinds Orion

Prepare For SolarWinds SCP-500 Exam

SolarWinds SCP-500 Exam Test Simulator

responses practice test