• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Become a certified REBT practitioner and learn to use rational emotive behaviour therapy psychotherapy skills

What you will learn

Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)

Psychotherapy skills

Understand where psychological problems come from and what to do about them

Manage anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD and other mental health conditions


Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is an evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy used to solve anxiety, depression, OCD, trauma and much more. This course will give you everything you need to understand what REBT is and how to use it.

REBT uses the cognitive model to help us understand ourselves and teaches us that our experiences are filtered through our beliefs: therefore, by challenging our irrational beliefs and replacing them with more effective beliefs, we can respond to life in a healthier and more functional way.

In the lessons, we will cover:

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  • What Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy is and how it works
  • Step-by-step how to do REBT
  • Cognitive, emotional and behavioural strategies
  • How REBT conceptualises problems and how we fix them
  • Building a strong therapeutic relationship with the client

Once we have covered the theory, techniques and practice of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, we will then look at how to apply it to anxiety, phobias and social phobia, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as a series of case studies including problems at work and relationship issues.

We will learn through videos, readings, handouts, quizzes and practical exercises so whatever your learning style, there will be something in this course for you. On completing the course, you will earn a certificate accredited by the International Association of Therapists.




Course goals and outline
How to use this course
Course handbook
Meet your instructor
Student community

REBT foundations

What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)?
What does rational mean?
History of psychotherapy
Psychotherapy timelime
Albert Ellis
Rational Therapy
Comparison with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Comparison with person-cented
Comparison with psychoanalysis
Evidence for REBT
Test your knowledge

REBT theory

Cognitive model
Thoughts, feelings, behaviours
ABC model
Summarising ABC
Distress and dysfunction
Rational vs irrational beliefs
Core irrational beliefs
Core beliefs examples
Other irrational beliefs
Where do problems come from?
Test your knowledge

Treatment model

What do we do about it?
ABCDE model
What maintains dysfunction?
What do clients need to do?
Test your knowledge

Cognitive strategies

Introduction to cognitive
Teaching the model
How to teach the model
Repeat, repeat, repeat
Assume A is true
Types of disputes
Didactic of Socratic?
Self-help form
Self-help form example
Test your knowledge

Emotive strategies

Introduction to emotion
Healthy and unhealthy emotions
Ambiguous emotions
Distinguishing between emotions
Utility of unhealthy emotions
Test your knowledge

Behavioural strategies

Introduction to behaviour
Acting on rational beliefs
Operant conditioning
Paradoxical tasks
Test your knowledge

Doing REBT

What does REBT look like?
Structure of therapy
Informed consent
Cost-benefit analysis
Cost-benefit analysis example
Assessment checklist
How does that make you feel?
Setting goals
Goal-setting worksheet
Recording sessions
Test your knowledge


Agreeing homework
What makes good homework?
Types of homework
Thought record
Thought record example
Facing adversity
What if a client doesn’t do it?
Troubleshooting homework
The case for daily practice
Test your knowledge

Working Alliance

What is the Working Alliance?
Counselling skills
Non-specific factors
Expert model
Common causes of ruptures
Irrational beliefs in therapy
Practitioner IBs
Test your knowledge

Skills training

What is skills training?
Skill acquisition
Social skills
Problem solving
Practical skills
Test your knowledge

Mental health conditions

Introduction to applications
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
Social anxiety disorder (SAD)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Case studies

Introduction to case studies
Social anxiety case study
Problems at work case study
Relationship issues case study

Questions about SFBT

Does REBT blame the client?
Does REBT excuse bad behaviour?
Does REBT ignore the past?
Does REBT ignore emotion?


Bonus lecture