• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.

What you will learn

There is a lot of money in the world looking for someone who has a solution to a problem. Decide to solve a problem and become qualified to have a lot of money!

Master multiple disciplines and tools to build a product or business from the ground up.

Learn to use strategic and idea generation tools that can help you get a handle on marketing strategy and focus on the big picture.

Hone new skills online with expert faculty.

You will learn how to deconstruct any business idea into its main parts using the Business Model Canvas.

Products don’t create value, customers do. Learn how to perform customer discovery and qualitative research.

We will then learn how to take the Business Model assumptions and turn them into facts through the Lean Startup Method of customer discovery and validation.

You will gain an understanding of enterprise formation and LLCs and Corporations.

We will explore the concept of Minimal Viable Product and iterative techniques for converging on Product/Market Fit, the holy grail of the startup process.

You will learn how to research, draft and file your own patents in order to protect your ideas and create valuable assets for your startup enterprise.

You will gain a solid understanding of Startup Financing Stages and Funding Rounds.

We will examine and explain the roles of Angel investors and Venture Capital.

You will gain facility with the intricacies of the Cap Table and Valuation techniques.

Learn how you get, keep and grow customers.

Learn how to sell and deliver.

Marketing is really about being outwardly focused and customer centric. Learn how.


“This course is unique compared to the entrepreneurial courses l have done before. It is a step by step course, which is clearly explained, very easy to understand, very brief and very factual. Take this course and improve your entrepreneurial skills.”

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– Fred

“Another winner from John Cousins! Doing business in this day and age can be daunting, especially for those of us who are from “a different era”. This author knows his stuff and shares it in such a way that informs, encourages and inspires.” Liz K.

β€œBusiness is always evolving especially with advances in technology. Business and technology topics can be new and novel or difficult to understand. John has the ability to frame and present business topics in a way where the audience feels like they can quickly grasp concepts, define strategy, and begin to execute.”

“Simplicity is the end result of long, hard work; not the starting point.” β€” Fredrick Maitland

Why take this Course?

Learn to use strategic and idea generation tools that can help you get a handle on entrepreneurship and startup strategy and tactics.

Since you are here reading this, chances are you want to make something meaningful happen like start a business, be more successful and fulfilled, or make your mark on the universe.

It is also likely that a few things are holding you back from achieving your dreams:

Business Fear. The feeling that you don’t know much about business and could never start your own company or take more responsibility for your current situation. Better to maintain the status quo and stay within your comfort zone than to face the fear of the unknown.

Certificate Intimidation. The idea that business is super complicated is an area best left to highly trained elite experts. If you don’t have an Ivy League MBA or similar expensive and time-consuming credentials, who are you to think you know what to do.

Imposter Syndrome. The gnawing fears that you’re inadequate and already in over your head. It’s only a matter of time before you’re exposed to be a total “fraud” and “phony.”

We don’t rise to our expectations; we fall to the level of our knowledge.

Here is the good news, everyone has these unfounded fears, and you can quickly put an end to them. All you need to do is learn a few simple concepts that will change how you think about the way business works.

Once you have conquered your fears, you can do anything!

No matter who you are or what you are trying to accomplish, you’re about to discover a practical new way of looking at business startups and entrepreneurship that will help you spend less time worrying about your fears and more time doing things that make a difference.

Let’s get started!




The Tools and Techniques of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Thinking

The Mindset
Why Startups Fail
Ex Nihilo

Financial Literacy

Financial Statements: Understanding the Numbers
Financial Statement Interconnection and Flow
Financial Statements
Entrepreneurship Rocks!

The Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas
BMC: The Nine Elements
Value Proposition Canvas

Lean Startup

Lean Startup Method
Lean Startup Process

Customer Discovery and Customer Validation

Understanding Your Customers is the Secret to Entreprenuerial Success.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking

Startup Finance

Introduction to Startup Finance
Startup Funding Rounds

Startups and Strategy

New Venture Strategy
Startups and Strategy
Lean Strategy Slidedeck
Strategy, Technology and Innovation Lecture 1
Strategy, Technology, and Innovation Lecture 2
Strategy and Futurism

The Pitch

Pitch Deck Template

Case Studies

Apple and Steve Jobs Lecture 1
Apple and Steve Jobs Lecture 2
Case Study: Customer Behavior Lecture
Case Study: Customer Data

