• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:7 mins read

What you will learn

Create a fully functional Power BI Dashboard from scratch

Convert raw data into interactive visualizations with just a few keystrokes

Learn the entire Power BI end-to-end process

Differentiate between Power BI Desktop and the Power BI Service

Bring multiple data sources together in a matter of seconds

Grow your knowledge in data and analytics


Learn how to Master Power BI, Microsoft’s premier data visualization tool, in less than 1 hour!!!

In this comfortable yet well-paced Power BI training program, you’ll learn how to take raw data and turn it into a fully-functional dashboard from scratch.

This course will guide you through the following:

  1. The different Power BI versions and licensing options
  2. Data types that are compatible with Power BI
  3. Get data into Power BI and analyze it using dazzling visualizations
  4. Use Power Query to transform data to your liking
  5. Create calculated fields in just a few keystrokes
  6. Seamlessly build data relationships without having to write a single line of code
  7. Develop powerful reports and publish them to the Power BI Service
  8. Create engaging dashboards and analyze results using in-built AI functionality
  9. Customize your dashboard and wow your stakeholders
  10. Perform an even deeper-dive of your data using integrated Excel features

Creating beautiful dashboards in Power BI has been simplified!

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This course doesn’t waste a word!!

There’s no padding, no long pauses, no waiting for screens to load, and no corny graphics or sounds!

Enjoy a practical and professional business intelligence course from an experienced course author.

You’ll have access to a tonne of resources, including a comprehensive suite of exercise files so you can follow along.

There’s even quizzes at the end of each section so you can test your Power BI knowledge as you go!

If you’re thinking about attaining Microsoft’s DA-100 certification, then this course is a great way to get your feet wet before fully committing.

This course makes it super easy and fun, even for first-time users to tell a powerful story using data, ultimately shaping better business decisions.

Ready to take the Power BI plunge!?



Getting to know Power BI

Using the Exercise Files
Become familiar with Power BI Desktop and the Power BI Service
Recognize the Power BI licensing options
Compare Power BI data types
Section 1 Quiz

Starting with Power BI Desktop

Navigate the Power BI Desktop interface
Get started with real world data
Analyze data by creating a visual
Enhance data using transformation tools
Customize data by building measures
Bring multiple data sources together by creating relationships
Illustrate results by building a report
Section 2 Quiz

Creating Dashboards using the Power BI Service

Navigate the Power BI Service interface
Seamlessly build a dashboard from a Power BI report
Discover insights using in-built AI technology
Section 3 Quiz

Collaborating with the Power BI Service

Engage others by sharing reports
Collaborate by sharing dashboards
Customize dashboards using mobile layout
Get feedback using the comments feature
Wow stakeholders using QR codes
Section 4 Quiz

Doing even more with Power BI

Trace everything back using Lineage View
Identify potential issues using Performance Inspector
Deep dive data using Excel
Section 5 Quiz


Power BI next steps