• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:14 mins read

Make complete Mario Games and Space Adventure. Learn Python and create your very own 2D Platformer.

What you will learn

Learn Python, most paid and used programming language of 2021

Understand the basic and advanced game programming with Python and Pygame

Learn how object oriented programming works in practice.

Learn Python by creating two major games: Mario and Adventure Game

Learn how to make best GUI games with Python


Have you ever wanted to build a games with a graphical interface but didn’t know how to?

May be you even know how to create tools on a command line but have no idea how to convert it into a graphical interface that people can click on. In this course we will be learning Python GUI Programming + other advanced python modules to build graphical user interfaces (GUI) and games from scratch. 

Games You will make throughout course:

  1. Complete Mario Game
  2. Space Adventure (2D platform Game)

We will learn from basics of Python i.e. variables, slicing, string, some module, arithmetic and logical operations, looping, functions, object oriented programming.

After that we will learn the basics and advanced stuff of Game Development with pygame:

  • A main character with its movement
  • Collectibles such as coins, extra lives & extra health
  • Different types of enemies to combat
  • Dangers such as Spikes, Saws & moving platforms
  • User Interface with interactive menus

This course is for you if you want to:

– build the skills you need to get your first Python programming jobs/game developer jobs

– learn basic to advance programming paradigm

– get started with some domain of Python such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography and so on

– Learn as a self taught programmer who want to freelance

…then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.

This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.


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Is Python A Good First Programming Language To Learn?

Even though it has not yet been adopted as a first language by many computer science programs, Python is widely seen by industry experts as a great first programming language when learning to code and its extensive use in SpaceX to automate and handle technologies to launch rockets, Instagram, Google to support their backends and Many companies to support and execute ML and Deep Learning Algorithms; Its undoubtedly No.1 Programming Language to learn.

For starters, the syntax of Python is simpler than that of most other major programming languages, with fewer exceptions and special cases. It also tends to use plain English keywords in place of the system of punctuation that has to be memorized in other languages, making it easier to learn to code. Given these conventions, Python code tends to appear as less of a “jumble” to newcomers than it does in comparable languages.

Another great feature of Python is the ubiquity of its use. While Python is optimized for development on Linux and Unix systems, interpreters are available for just about every major operating system. All implementations of Python are supported by an excellent standard library, which means that new students can very quickly move on to creating actual functional programs that are useful. Additionally, the standard implementation of Python, CPython, is free and open-source.

What Type Of Jobs Are Available To Python Programmers?

In the job market, if you observe the trends; Python is often looked like a strong language to support some primary language that is more broadly used like C or Java. But Lately, with the evolution of ML and Deep Learning Algorithms; it is highly demanded skill to have in 2020 and later. There are a variety of jobs that one can get focusing exclusively on Python development, however. Many of these jobs will be in building and improving the internal tools that a company uses to create its finished marketable products, rather than working on the finished product itself.

One specific economic sector where the presence of Python programming is particularly strong is the geospatial industry. This is a critical industry that deals with navigational tools such as GPS, radar, and light measurements.

If you’re interested in web applications, Python is a better choice for development (working with the back-end or server-side) rather than design (creating the actually finished front-end that site visitors interact with). As mentioned previously, Google employed Python for many components of its search engine, and it is quite widely used in the data mining industry.

Finally, Python can also be used for game development. Some famous examples of games developed either entirely or in large part with Python include EVE Online, Civilization IV, the Battlefield game series, and the Mount & Blade games. The popular development environment Blender is written in Python.

Ready to get started, My PYTHON PROGRAMMER Friend?

Enroll now using the “Add to Cart” button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Python brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you’re 100% certain this course is for you.

See you in the class!

Just give it a try, you won’t regret!!




Introduction to the course

Getting Started

What is Python?
Download Python on your machine
Download Visual Studio Code (Must for this course)
Note for the course!
How to get most out of this course?

Data types in Python

Introduction to the data types
Basic Arithmetic in Python
Operations on Numbers
Introduction to Strings in Python
Access elements of String
Strings methods
More strings methods
Formatting strings

Variables in Python

Introduction to the variables
Create Variables in Python
Proper way to name a variable

Learn Boolean for Game Development

Introduction to Booleans in Python
Booleans as numeric
Learn to create conditions
Order comparisons
Code examples for Order Comparisons
“is” operator in Python
Logical statements

Conditionals for Game Making

Introduction to conditional statements
if else statements

Data structures for Game development

Introduction to Data Structures
Checking type of Data Structures
How to access the items from the list?
Learn list built-in methods
List built-in methods continued!

Learn Loops for making games

Introduction to the loops in Python
Infinite while loop (Game Loop)
Finite Game Loop
For loop
Important: List Comprehension for Game Development

Learn Functions to make Games

What is Function and Why we need it?
Learn to create Functions?
Learn about return statements
Learn about default arguments in Python

Object Oriented Programming in Python

Introduction to the section
What is Object Oriented Programming?
Class and Objects
Class and Objects Continued
Constructor in Python
What is Inheritance?
Multiple Inheritance

Pygame Fundamentals — Python Game Module

Introduction to the pygame
Pygame coordinate System
Introduction to Pygame shape
Draw shapes using Pygame
Color Picker
Fundamentals of Pygame — skeleton code
Render a rectangle in the Screen
Movement of the shapes
Smoothen the movement using FPS
Make movement within Boundary

Handling collision between Game Objects

Theory of Game Collision
Implement Collision Detection

Project 1: Create 2D platform Games (Fundamentals of Platformer)

Introduction to the Sprites
Render a Character
Animation for the player
Animation for the player continued
Make Player move in left direction
Make Player Jump
Landing Player after Jump
Simple Gravity
Introduction to the Tiled Map Editor
Add properties to the Sprites
Create Map for Game
Render a Map
Render a Map continued
Change the initial position of Player
Make Player Move
Interact with the Environment/Maps
Get Tiles Properties
Make Player Fall
Player should not pass through Solid things
Points and Health
Collect a coin
Make Coin disappear after Player collects it
Game Ends when health of Player is zero or less
Add sound effects to the Game
Render only one layer
Collect items
Theory on “How to open the door”
Open a Door

Create Mario Game

Import the resources
Skeleton code for the game
Skeleton code for the game continued
Render the sky background
Creating the camera Module
Creating BGObjects–class for background object
Update BGObjects
Add Background Objects
Render Background Objects
Platform Basics
Update Platform
Shaking Bricks from Platform
Render the platform
Render the Bricks
Defining Player class and its attribute
Loading mario Images in the game
Setting image of Mario
Render the image
Calling Player class object from Map class
Updating the image of Mario
Player Physics
Calling update from the Map
Get blocks for collisions
Move Camera with the Player
Not letting pass through blocks
Proper leg movement and Jumping
Making movement of leg stable
Create Tube class
Create method to spawn tubes
Render the tubes


See you!