Learn to Play the Trumpet as a hobby

What you will learn

Form an adequate posture, and efficient trumpet embouchure

Learn to play your first notes on the trumpet

Perform the C Major scale

An introduction into the notes of happy birthday to you on the trumpet

How to read basic notes on the C Major scale

How to project a great sound on the trumpet


Course Description

Are you interested in learning a new instrument? Do you like the sound of the trumpet? Then I’ve got something really special made just for you in this course. The trumpet is a noble instrument with an exceptional unique sense of personality. The sound can be sweet, triumphant from jazz to classical to pop or anything that ticks your musical appetite.

Now don’t think playing this instrument is easy because it’s NOT, but it’s NOTΒ impossible if you dedicate 15 minutes per day. So here are a few questions that you might now have.

Q1. What will I find in this course?

Basic fundamentals that every trumpet student needs to get started from buzzing to playing their first note.

Q2. How are the classes?

Divided into 2 core classes. Theory and practice.

Q3. What level is this made for?

Beginners only.

Q5. Are there any age restrictions?

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No, everyone from all walks of life and ages are welcome to join.

Q6. How long will it take before I start playing my first note?

Anything between 2 weeks to 1 month depending on your perseverance and practice time.

Q7. How long will it take for me to play my first song?

Again depends on how often you practice, and how much you really want to play. but on average 1 to 3 months.

Q8. Why should I sign up?

The course is priced at a very low value for the knowledge and lessons that you will receive.

Q9. Do you offer private classes?





What is Music?


Choosing Your Instrument


First Sound C
The C Major Scale Fingering


The Notes and fingering
Song happy birthday broken into chunks
Playing happy birthday together


Wrap-up and recommendations