• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:4 mins read

A Sales and Marketing Course for Beginners

What you will learn


Define what sales is


Know the difference between sales and marketing


How to become successful at selling


How to create a winning sales and marketing strategy from the get go


New to Sales and have expectations of achieving great results from the get go? Then this simplified Sales & Marketing course is for you! In “I Love Sales” you will learn the basics which would put you on a sure footing and help you achieve the results that you desire. This course begins by defining what sales is and who a true sales professional is. This gives the learner the opportunity to develop the required skills. The course teaches you how to make a successful sale in 7 easy steps.  It also provides expert information but presents it in a way that those who are new to sales can easily grasp. The learners would be introduced to marketing. They would learn the different types of marketing out there and the difference between sales and marketing and how they compliment each other to make a success  of the sales function.

“I Love Sales” is not only for beginners in the sales function. This course is also a refresher for those who are already in the sales function but need an uncomplicated refresher course which presents all the information needed to excel but in an easy to understand manner. No longer is sales that dreaded task but one that can be enjoyed given the required training which this course provides.  At the end of the course which is broken down into a series of easy to understand and follow video clips, the learner would be able to come away with their own sales and marketing strategy which would give them great success at selling any product or service and over any medium of their choice.

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What is sales?

What is sales?

Steps to a Successful Sale

7 Steps to a Successful Sale
Differentiating Yourself

What is marketing?

What is marketing?
Types of Marketing

Creating a Marketing Strategy

Other types of Marketing and Creating a Marketing Strategy
The Marketing Process


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