• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:4 mins read

What you will learn

Case study of how a healthcare IT startup was built.

Case study of how a healthcare IT startup was bootstrapped.

Case study of how a healthcare IT startup was funded.

Case study of how a healthcare IT startup was scaled.


The 1Mby1M Methodology is based on case studies. In each course, Sramana Mitra shares the tribal knowledge of tech entrepreneurs by giving students the rare seat at the table with the entrepreneurs, investors and thought leaders who provide the most instructive perspectives on how to build a thriving business. Through these conversations, students gain access to case studies exploring the alleys of entrepreneurship. Sramana’s synthesis of key learnings and incisive analysis add great depth to each discussion.

Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing startup sectors. If you’re interested in Healthcare innovation, we can help you with building a healthcare IT startup.

You need to learn to validate your concept, discover product-market fit, and learn about various forms of startup funding.

This course covers a startup success story in the healthcare domain. The course consists of an in-depth interview with a startup founder who successfully built a healthcare venture. It is very helpful to trace how they gained traction, created market entry strategy, positioned their product, and so on.

Startup funding, of course, is a concern for all categories of entrepreneurs. We advocate beginning with bootstrapping. Learn the proven bootstrapping techniques that have been employed by very successful entrepreneurs.

Though we love bootstrapping, we never rule out funding. Learn the realities of startup funding at different stages, from Pre-seed to Series A. Get to know how investors think, so you can speak their language and attain that elusive holy grail of investor-entrepreneur fit.

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Be sure to deeply understand How Investors Think before you go chasing investors.

When you do, don’t do so with a begging bowl. Go with real validation and command the respect that would result in successful funding rounds.

Let’s get started!



How To Build a Healthcare IT Startup

How to Build a Healthcare IT Startup Case Study
Who Makes More Money?

Case Study Methodology

Case Study-Based Learning

Additional Content

Bonus Lecture