• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:7 mins read

60 classes x 60 minutes. Strengthen, Stretch, Breathe and Relax.

What you will learn

The physical aspect of Yoga, to practice anywhere, with an experienced teacher to guide you.

A regular practice consisting of 60 unique hour-long sequences using traditional asana(postures).

Basic, as well as intermediate postures suitable for most regular practitioners.

Different variations of the Surya-namaskaar (sun-salutations).

Increase mobility and functional strength without excessive muscular strain or focus on hyper-flexibility.

Breathe well, move well, and feel well, thereby reducing stress and inducing well-being.

A safe, healthy increase of the range of motion of the limbs as well as core strength.

No music, no fluffy language, or any other bells and whistles – just Yoga – Unplugged!

Taking the practice further from Hatha Yoga Unplugged – Series 1.


While the physical practice of Yoga asana is just the tip of the iceberg, for most people it is the most accessible way to prepare the body and mind for the other, deeper aspects of Yoga.

This course contains 60 hour-long yoga classesย  divided into two methods of practice :

  • Hatha Yoga ( 40 classes) –ย  Traditional classes with longer holds in the asana. Great for building awareness in the posture and working on the alignment.
  • Dynamic Hatha Yogaย  (20 classes) – dynamic sessions that are faster in pace, great for muscle tone and the cardio-vascular system.

The combination of these two methods is perfect for guiding the student forward and encouraging a safe, regular practice.

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Studentsย are encouraged to repeat each class twice before proceeding to the next. While the suggested frequency of practice is 3-4 times a week for maximum benefit, a minimum of two classes a week is recommended.

However, the intensity of practice is entirely dependent upon the the practitioner. The asana are healing for body and mind only if the principle of non-violence towards one’s self is adhered to. Never force the body to stretch to the point of strain, keep the breath calm and come out of a posture if tired.ย  Use props such as the wall, yoga blocks and belts .

All classes are devoid of any background music helping to create a silent focus on the breath and the postures.





The Practice

1. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
2. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
3. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
4. Hatha Yoga
5. Hatha Yoga
6. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
7. Hatha Yoga
8. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
9. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
10. Hatha Yoga
11. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
12. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
13. Hatha Yoga
14. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
15. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
16. Hatha Yoga
17. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
18. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
19. Hatha Yoga
20. Hatha Yoga
21. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
22. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
23. Hatha Yoga
24. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
25. Hatha Yoga
26. Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
27. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
28. Hatha Yoga
29. Hatha Yoga
30. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
31. Hatha Yoga
32. Hatha Yoga
33. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
34. Hatha Yoga
35. Hatha Yoga
36. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
37. Hatha Yoga
38. Hatha Yoga
39. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
40. Hatha Yoga
41. Hatha Yoga
42. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
43. Hatha Yoga
44. Hatha Yoga
45. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
46. Hatha Yoga
47. Hatha Yoga
48. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
49. Hatha Yoga
50. Hatha Yoga
51. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
52. Hatha Yoga
53. Hatha Yoga
54. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
55. Hatha Yoga
56. Hatha Yoga
57. Dynamic Hatha Yoga
58. Hatha Yoga
59. Hatha Yoga
60. Dynamic Hatha Yoga