• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:10 mins read

15 Creative Life Coaching Prompts for Personal Transformation, Clarity, Growth, Inner Peace, Life Vision & Wellness

What you will learn

You will learn how to help yourself to resolve inner issues andchange your life to the better

Become your own lifecoach

*IF YOU ARE A LIFECOACH : You will learn how to help your clients to change their lives with this efective and deep questions

Discover wrong mindsets and patterns

Discover strengths and weaknesses

Find motivational forces

Explore thoughts

Create a life vision

Learn how to talk to yourself

Find leading words in your life

Find the way to feel accomplished

Find what you are missing in your life and why?

Find the most important question for you

Find out whay are you resisting or attaching to

Disover your stress triggers

Find inspiration and motivation

Work on your “inner child”

Find inner peace

Recover and heal

Resolve unresolved problems,issues and wounds


If you think it’s time for you to have an honest and deep conversation with yourself in order to understand yourself, to find life and mind clarity, to resolve some issues, to activate your full potential, to create an opportunity for your personal growth, personal development, productivity, wellness, creativity, to find inner peace, personal strength, inspiration, and motivation – this class might help you. You can become your own life coach!

***If you are a life coach already: You will get 15 deep and effective psychology-based questions you can use in your life coaching practice anytime your client needs structured and detailed self-discovery, self-reflection, and life change. You will also learn why we ask those questions and how to explore them, how to lead the deeper conversation, and how that answers can impact your client’s lives and get long-term effects on their life improvement and wellness***

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Welcome to guided journaling/writing for self-discovery and self-clarity. The class is based on 15 prompts created by a psychologist who believes in writing therapy. Every question is important and has a purpose. Every answer will help you to really understand your:

Β· emotions

  • thoughts
  • beliefs
  • behavior
  • wounds
  • issues
  • feelings
  • motives
  • strengths and weaknesses
  • inner child
  • to simply understand yourself

These prompts are designed to help you dive deep into your mind & soul, so you can find your true self, explore your ups and downs, get self-clarity and increase self-growth and life quality.

The class will cover several topics that are very important for our self-understanding and complete well-being:

-Wrong mindsets and patterns we have

-Our strengths and weaknesses

-What/who have the biggest impact on our life

-Find motivational forces

-Explore thoughts

-Create a life vision

-Find leading words in your life

-Find the way to feel accomplished

-Find what you are missing in your life and why?

-Are you resisting or attaching

-Have a deep and honest conversation with yourself (younger and future)

-Find the most important question for you

+ more…

I hope you will enjoy and create some positive change <3

Let’s go to grow πŸ™‚

Your instructor,




Prompt 1 Approval seeking discovery
Prompt 2 Stress triggers discovery
Prompt 3 Coping mechanisms discovery
Prompt 4 Biggest life impact discovery
Prompt 5 Motivation discovery
Prompt 6 Life energy discovery
Prompt 7 Main thought discovery
Prompt 8 Life vision discovery
Prompt 9 Life leading words discovery
Prompt 10 Good feeling discovery
Prompt 11 Is there something missing discovery
Prompt 12 Resisting / Attaching Discovery
Prompt 13 Conversation with your past self
Prompt 14 Conversation with your future self
Prompt 15 That one question
Closing thoughts
Closing thought + More useful classes