• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Learn the art of setting goals and the right action steps needed.

What you will learn

Greater understanding of what the SMART Formula means

How to apply the SMART Formula to your life

Identify areas of your life to set goals

Create a SMART Formula plan


Do you often wonder where you are headed in life?Β Are there things you want to do, have and experience in life but keep putting them off?

The goals we set ourselves today are the success we have tomorrow. By setting them today, we aim and take action steps that lead us in the right direction. The reality for some people is that they spend more time planning a holiday than they do planning their life. So by learning the right steps and spending some time thinking about life and the experiences we would like to have, we can put a plan in place and once we have a plan then we can set it in motion. It all starts with our ability to use our imagination and our ability to dream about all the many wonderful things that life has to offer.

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So, to help with the process of setting goals we can use a handy acronym known as the SMART formula to clarify your goals. SMART starts for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound

Through this video series, you will learn more about what the SMART Formula means and how to apply the 5 steps needed for successful goal setting. Each step is equally important and with these easy to follow videos, Adrian breaks down each step individually and explains just how to use this approach to set short term or long term goals. Learn to gain clarity on what you want to achieve, have and do in life and take actions towards those goals.



Goal Setting and the SMART Formula

Introduction to Goal Setting
Goal Setting Episode 2 S for Specific
Goal Setting Episode 3 M for Measurable
Goal Setting Episode 4 A for Achievable
Goal Setting Episode 5 R for Relevant
Goal Setting Episode 6 T for Time Bound
Final Thoughts