• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Get Clients and Make Money as a Holistic Practitioner
How to Start a Private Practice (for healers, life coaches, and more)! Includes Certification in Energy Healing

What you will learn

Start and grow a private practice

Where you fit in the Wellness Industry

Find clients you love to work with (who love to pay you)

Easy formula: make yourself irresistible to your ideal clients in 2 sentences or less

Step-By-Step pro session: intake, modality, debrief, and rebooking

Pricing, scheduling, appointment booking, marketing, and more

Become CERTIFIED in a safe, effective healing modality

Learn about crucial laws you need to follow

Energetic anatomy, safety and hygiene for energy healers

The secret to unlocking deep, powerful healing (in ANY modality)

Do what you love, help people, AND pay your bills on time every month


A complete course on how to start making money with your holistic skills! Certification in Energy Healing included.

So many of us Holistic Wellness Practitioners (healers, coaches, readers, advisors, EFT/TFT &NLP practitioners, hypnotherapists, and others in wellness and spirituality) LOVE our work but have NO IDEA how to get paid for it! Our training often doesn’t include things like:

  • how to start a business
  • where to find clients
  • what to say to get them to book a session with you
  • how much to charge
  • what kind of space or equipment you need to go pro
  • how to handle critical legal stuff
  • how to do an intake interview once your client shows up
  • how to get clients to pay you and rebook with you
  • how to stabilize your income
  • how to AVOIDΒ expensive mistakes most beginners make when starting out

If business isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry! This course is here to teach you the EASY, SIMPLE, and INEXPENSIVE way to do all that and more.

That way you can quickly get started, find clients, make money, and run a safe, ethical, and legal business doing what you love. That way you can start serving the people who really need what you have to offer. This doesn’t have to be expensive, scary or intimidating! If you’re passionate about helping people, you can do it.

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You can get started where you are right now, with whatever you’ve already got handy (in your living room, with a chair or pillow and blanket) and make money doing what you love. Even if you’re broke, already have a full-time job, or are just looking for a side-hustle a couple of hours a week, you can help people and get paid to do it. And if you’re looking for a new full-time career, you can absolutely have that.

If you’re just getting started and you aren’t certified yet in any modality, or if you want to add to your credentials in the field, this course includes an entire certification course in basic energy healing so you can work on your clients (and yourself!). We’ll cover the basics of safety in any modality, the secret of therapeutic safe space and how it can make any healing modality or session deeper and more effective, and you’ll learn step-by-step how to run a safe, effective energy session on yourself or a client.

Toby has been teaching energy healing and business classes for years at the Hands On Healing Institute (a massage school in Los Angeles), and running a private practice for nearly a decade, and can show you everything your teacher never told you about how to be a successful professional in this field.




Introduction: Why This Course?
Course Overview
About The Teacher

Industry of Energy Work

Who’s In This Field
Vetting Practitioners–Green Flags and Red Flags Checklist
Cultural Appropriation

Business Basics

Elements of Alignment
Getting Started: What You’ll Need
Space and Equipment
Equipment Overview Part 1
Equipment Overview Part 2
Pricing and Scheduling
Pricing, Part 2
Correction–Don’t Use Venmo for Accepting Commercial Business Payments
Policies and Professional Boundaries, Part 1
Policies and Boundaries, Part 2
Intake Process and Paperwork
SOAP Notes
Following Up With Clients
Introduction to Getting Clients
Business Structures
Business Structures, Part 2
Stabilizing Your Income
Teaching as Extra Income
Expensive Mistakes to Avoid


Intro to the Marketing Section
What is Marketing?
3 Steps to Getting Clients
Getting Clients
Extra Income Sources
Ideal Clients
Elevator Pitch
Call to Action
Business Cards and Pamphlets
Website Building
Getting Testimonials

Ethics and Legal Considerations

Ethics and Legal–Introduction
What is Ethics?
Scope of Practice, Part One: Legal
Scope of Practice, Part Two: Educational
License to Touch
Power Dynamics
Transference and Countertransference
Confidentiality, Part One: Overview
Confidentiality, Part Two: Record Keeping and HIPPA
Therapeutic Safe Space: Do’s and Don’ts
Physical Safety
Accessibility 1: Physical Boundaries
Accessibility 2: Respectful Conduct

Energy Work 101 (Modality)

Introduction to the Modality Section
Safe, Therapeutic Space
Energetic Anatomy
Thoughts Are Things
Space Clearing Before You Begin
Energy Palpation, Exercise One: Energy Ball
Energy Palpation, Exercise Two
Energy Palpation, Exercise Three: Aura Palpation and Field Check
Field Check Interpretation, Part One: Boundaries of the Aura
Field Check Interpretation, Part Two: Holes and Tendrils
Technique: Look, Don’t Touch
Using Universal Sources of Energy (Protecting Your Personal Battery)
Exercise: Creating Safe, Therapeutic Space
Intro to Safety Basics
Safety Basics 1: Grounding, Part One
Safety Basics 1: Grounding, Part Two
Safety Basics 2: Centering
Safety Basics 3: Shielding
Safety Basics 4: Energetic Boundaries
Safety Basics 5: Cleansing
Self-Healing Session
Healing Reactions
Working with Others Session
Professional Session Outline
How to Get Your Certificate

What’s Next

Continuing Education
Congratulations and What’s Next