• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Genesys Cloud Agent Training
Unlocking Genesys Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Genesys Cloud Agent

What you will learn

Agents will learn how to use Genesys Cloud features and tools effectively.

Agents will learn how to provide excellent customer service.

Agents will learn how to troubleshoot customer issues and escalate issues to supervisors.

Agents will become more confident and proficient in their role.

Agents will be able to help companies improve their customer satisfaction ratings.


The Genesys Cloud Agent course is a self-paced training course that is designed to provide agents with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their role. The course covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Introduction to Genesys Cloud
  • The Agent Interface
  • Managing Interactions
  • Using Genesys Cloud Features and Tools
  • Quality Management
  • Workforce Management
  • Performance and Analytics

The course is divided into several modules, each of which has a variety of learning resources, such as videos, quizzes, and hands-on exercises. Agents can complete the modules in the order that they choose, and they can revisit the modules at any time to refresh their skills.

The Genesys Cloud Agent course is available to everyone.

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Here are some of the benefits of completing the Genesys Cloud Agent course:

  • Agents will learn how to use Genesys Cloud features and tools effectively.
  • Agents will learn how to provide excellent customer service.
  • Agents will learn how to troubleshoot customer issues and escalate issues to supervisors.
  • Agents will become more confident and proficient in their role.
  • Agents will be able to help companies improve their customer satisfaction ratings.

If you are a Genesys Cloud agent, I encourage you to complete the Genesys Cloud Agent course. It is a valuable resource that can help you to be more successful in your role.



Introduction to Genesys Cloud

Introduction to Genesys Cloud
Hands-On Exercise: Log in for the First Time
Hands-On Exercise: Log Out
Module 1 Quiz

Genesys Cloud User Interface

Genesys Cloud User Interface
Hands-On Exercise: Add Favorites
Hands-On Exercise: Select a Phone
Hands-On Exercise: Change Presence and Status
Hands-On Exercise: Set Your Status to Out of Office
Hands-On Exercise: Change Web App Preferences
Hands-On Exercise: Forward Your Calls
Hands-On Exercise: Choose Queues to Work
Hands-On Exercise: Place a Call on Behalf of a Queue
Hands-On Exercise: Schedule Callbacks During a Voice Interaction
Hands-On Exercise: Set up Group Workspaces
Hands-On Exercise: Add Files to a Workspace
Module 2 Quiz

Communication Management

Communication Management
Hands-On Exercise: Accept a Call
Hands-On Exercise: Accept an Email Interaction
Hands-On Exercise: Accept and Respond to a Message Interaction
Hands-On Exercise: Accept and Respond to an SMS Message Interaction
Hands-On Exercise: Accept and Respond to a Social Media Interaction
Module 3 Quiz

Interaction Workspace

Interaction Workspace
Hands-On Exercise: Manage Multiple Interactions
Module 4 Quiz

Quality Management

Quality Management
Hands-On Exercise: My Performance View
Hands-On Exercise: Review Released Evaluations
Hands-On Exercise: Work with and Complete a Development and Feedback Module
Module 5 Quiz

Workforce Management

Workforce Management
Hands-On Exercise: View Your Schedule
Hands-On Exercise: Time Off Requests
Hands-On Exercise: Drop a Shift for Someone Else to Pick Up
Hands-On Exercise: Pick Up an Extra Shift
Hands-On Exercise: Request to Trade a Shift With Anyone
Hands-On Exercise: Request to Trade a Shift With a Specific Person
Hands-On Exercise: Accept a Shift Trade Request
Module 6 Quiz

Performance & Analytics

Performance & Analytics
Hands-On Exercise: My Queues Activity View
Hands-On Exercise: My Schedule View
Hands-On Exercise: My Status View
Hands-On Exercise: My Evaluations View
Module 7 Quiz

Course Summary

Course Summary
Final Quiz