Understand concepts, laws and principles regarding electrical circuits and Able to analyze complex electrical circuits
What you will learn
What are electric circuits and electronics and the fundamental quantities in circuits like voltage and current
What resistors, capacitors, and inductors are and how they are used in electric circuits
Resistors ,color code for the resistors and resistivity of the common materials
Advanced electric circuit analysis techniques such as the superposition theorem, Thévenin’s theorem, and Norton’s theorem
Understand the fundamentals of AC current in details and differences between direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC)
Current and Voltage Sources in Electrical Circuit
lectric circuit analysis techniques using Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws, nodal analysis and mesh analysis
Power in AC Circuit (Real Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power) with Problems
Significance, Construction and Working of Transformers and Generators
This course provides a complete overview of electric circuit analysis used in electrical engineering and electronics engineering. Electric circuit analysis is the most fundamental concept for electrical, electronics, and computer engineering.
This course is mainly for undergraduate students but starts from a very basic level which makes it very easier for beginners as well. This course will introduce and explain the fundamental concepts of basic electrical engineering. The basic concepts of DC and AC (Single Phase and Three Phase Circuits) Circuit Analysis, Construction and working of transformers, steady-state and phase analysis of AC networks, series and parallel and know how to calculate equivalent resistance for these circuits. Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s law and Nodal and Mesh Analysis by using KCL and KVL for Solving Electrical Circuits. By the end of the course, the students should be able to gather high-quality knowledge of basic electrical engineering.
This course covers the following topics.
1. Introduction to the Course
What is Electricity and what should be the Assumptions for Solving an Electrical Circuit?
Explanation of Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Voltage Source, and Current Source
Electric Current and Numerical Problems related to the topic
Passive Sign Convention
Electrical Power and Energy and Numerical Problems related to the topic
Understand Electrical Circuit and Elements of Electrical Circuit with System of Units
Learn How to Calculate the Electricity Bill
2. Ohm and Kirchhoff’s Law & Circuit Terminologies
Understand about Resistor, Colour Codes for Resistors, and Resistivity of Common Materials
Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Law with Numerical Problems related to the topics
Understand the Current Terminologies
3. Series and Parallel Circuit and Calculating Equivalent Resistance
Explanation of Series circuit and Voltage Divider Rule for the Series Circuit
Explanation of Parallel Circuit and Current Divider Rule for the Parallel Circuit
Learn Circuit Analysis and to Calculate Equivalent Resistance of the Circuit
4. Nodal and Mesh Analysis of the Electrical Circuit by Using KCL and KVl
Understand Nodal and Super Nodal Analysis by using KCL with Numerical Problems
Understand Mesh and Super Mesh Analysis by using KVL with Numerical Problems
5. Circuit Theorems for Solving Electrical Circuit
· Linearity Property of Circuit and Solving Numerical Problems related topic
· Superposition Theorem for Electrical Circuits with Numerical Problems
· Understand Source Transformation for Simplifying Electrical Circuit
· Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem and Solving Numerical Problems related to topics
6. Fundamentals of the AC current
7. Electric Machines
Power in AC Circuit (Real Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power) with Problems
Significance, Construction, and Working of Transformers
Electrical Machines (Generator for the Power Generation)
This course serves as a foundation to learn advanced courses in Electrical Engineering.