• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Learn Flutter Getx EcoSystem E-commerce Full App From Scratch , تعلم انشاء تطبيق كامل للتجاره الاكترونيه من الصفر

What you will learn

انشاء تطبيق فلاتر كامل

Getx State Management Ecosystem

Mvc Design Pattern تنظيم الفولدرات والفايلات بشكل صحيح

التعامل مع. RestApi

Firebase Auth , Google Auth , FaceBook Auth

كيفيه التعامل مع تخرين واسترجاع البيانات

favourite screen, cart screen, payment screen m details screen and more


Flutter Ecommerce app, Learn how can make a full app using Getx Ecosystem Management, and how can use API, with clean code MVC design pattern.

Build a strong App in Flutter and Dart with easy State management Getx Ecosystem.

  • Getx State management
  • Firebase Auth,
  • MVC Design Pattern
  • Clean code

A Powerful State Management

GetX is an extra-light and powerful solution for Flutter. It combines high-performance state management, intelligent dependency injection, and route management quickly and practically.

GetX is a simple yet powerful Flutter package. The major pillars of the GetX package are high-performance state management, intelligent dependency injection, and route management. GetX helps developers realize a high level of productivity through easy and pleasant syntax without sacrificing app performance.

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GetX is a fast, stable, and light state management library in a flutter. There are so many State Management libraries in flutter like MobX, BLoC, Redux, Provider, etc. … Performance: As compared to other state management libraries, GetX is best because it consumes minimum resources and provides better performance.

Content and Overview

Suitable for anyone has basic FLutter and Dart, through this course of and 15 hours of content, you will learn how to make full app with Getx, you will make many screens, like Login, Register, forgot password, Home screen, details screen and more, you will learn how to fetch data from API , and how to make good code and clean, firebase Auth with Facebook and Google.

Who this course is for:

  • People who want to make the flutter app faster using GetX Flutter
  • People who want to make scalable apps using GetX Flutter




Setup new Flutter Project

Create Folders with Clean Architecture MVC
Rouets Screens with Getx

Welcome Screen

Welcome Screen Design Ui
Navigator Screen with Getx

SignUp Screen

Create TextFormField
Complete SignUp Screen Design Ui
DarkMode Using Getx
Validator Using RegExp
Show Visible Password And Checkbox Validator
Forgot Password Screen Design Ui

LogIn Screen

Login Screen Design Ui

FireBase Authentication

SetUp Firebase
SignUp With Email and Password
Reset Password with Email
Google LogIn
FaceBook Login

Main Screen

Bottom Navigation Bar
DarkMode Logic
Save DarkMode in GetStorage
Save Auth LogIn and LogOut GetStorage

Fetch API In Home Screen

Home Screen Design Ui 1
Home Screen Design Ui 2
Fetch Data From Api

Favorite screen

Favorite screen Design Ui
Logic For Favorite screen

Cart Screen

Design Empty Cart
Cart Product Design Ui
Cart Total Widget Design Ui
Add Logic For Cart Screen
Put Cart Logic In Design Ui
Badges Product Numbers

Product Details Screen

Image Slider
Colors Picker
Details App Bar
Rate Star Bar
Read More Text
Size Clothes List
Add Cart Button

Search Bar Logic

Logic For Search Bar

Category Screen

Category Screen Design Ui
Fetch Apis Category name
Fetch Apis Category product

Settings Screen

Settings Ui Design
Darkmode widget Button
LogOut Widget Button
Profile Ui Design
Profile Logic
Language Ui Design
Language Logic

Payment Screen

Payment Design Ui one
Payment Design Ui tow
Phone Number Edit and Add
Auto Address Location

source code

Source Code