• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Navigating the Interface & Understanding WorkData Input & Formatting : Mastering Text, Numbers, and Dates in Excel

What you will learn

Understand the basic features and layout of Microsoft Excel, including the ribbon, worksheets, and cells.

Learn how to input, edit, and format data in Excel, including text, numbers, and dates.

Gain proficiency in navigating and managing worksheets within a workbook.

Acquire skills in using basic formulas and functions to perform calculations in Excel.

Learn how to create and modify charts and graphs to visualize data effectively.

Understand the concept of cell references and how to use them in formulas.

Gain proficiency in sorting and filtering data to analyze and organize information.

Learn how to create and format tables for better data management and analysis.

Understand the concept of data validation and learn how to create input restrictions and error-checking rules.

Gain proficiency in basic data analysis techniques, including sorting, filtering, and using simple statistical functions.


“Excel For Beginners | Excel 101” is a comprehensive course designed to provide beginners with the essential skills and knowledge to effectively utilize Microsoft Excel. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone looking to enhance their data management and analysis abilities, this course will equip you with the fundamental tools to excel in Excel.

The course begins with an introduction to Excel, where you will familiarize yourself with the interface, worksheets, and cells. From there, you will learn how to input, edit, and format data, including text, numbers, and dates, ensuring your spreadsheets are clean and professional.

As you progress, you will dive into the world of formulas and functions, mastering the art of calculations and automating tasks. You will explore various functions and their applications, gaining the ability to perform complex calculations with ease.

Visualizing data is a crucial skill, and this course will guide you through the creation and modification of charts and graphs, enabling you to present information in a clear and compelling manner.

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Organizing and managing data is simplified through topics such as sorting, filtering, and working with tables. You will also learn how to utilize conditional formatting to highlight important data and create dynamic reports.

Pivot tables are a powerful feature in Excel, and this course will demystify their usage, allowing you to summarize and analyze data effortlessly.

Throughout the course, you will develop a solid understanding of cell references, data validation, and basic data analysis techniques, empowering you to make informed decisions based on accurate and well-structured data.

Join us in “Excel For Beginners | Excel 101” and unlock the true potential of Microsoft Excel, gaining the skills to improve your productivity, efficiency, and analytical prowess.





Deep Dive Into Excel

Module 2_ Essential Excel Functions PART1
Module 2_ Essential Excel Functions PART2
Module 3_ Formatting and Styling
Module 4_ Managing Data
Module 5_ Working With Charts _ Graphs
Module 6_ Data Analysis and Manipulation PART1
Module 6_ Data Analysis and Manipulation PART2
Module 7_ Collaboration and Sharing PART1
Module 7_ Collaboration and Sharing PART2
Module 8_ Tips and Tricks for Efficiency PART1
Module 8_ Tips and Tricks for Efficiency PART2
Module 9_ Advanced Excel Concepts (Optional) PART1
Module 9_ Advanced Excel Concepts (Optional) PART2
Module 9_ Advanced Excel Concepts (Optional) PART3

Final Assessment

Module 10_ Final Project and Recap PART1
Module 10_ Final Project and Recap PART2