• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:7 mins read

How to Take Better Choices when it Comes to Your Life and Money

What you will learn


This programme intends to help students understand the reasons why we make wrong decisions most of the time when it comes to life and money


And how understanding these reasons will help them define their own path based on common sense and science.


We look at the simple way you can understand and manage your emotions in your personal environment


We understand how to find your money personality and tweak your financial habits to prevent the bad effects derail the benefits of the good ones


Firstly, a few disclaimers.

This programme is a part of a longer series i do on life and money.

This was conceptualised and finished during the early days of the pandemic and was a means to create coherence out of the fragile inconsistencies that bind most of us. It is a synopsis of philosophy, psychology, social behaviours and evolutionary science.

I don’t have degrees or certificates in any of them but i have spent the better part of three decades trying to understand the cohesive foundation these fields provide for us to build and live our lives.

Each section has been summarised to the extent i am able to and am sure better minds than me may be able to make them more concise.

This was the first programme i ever created – recorded, edited, did voice over, etc. – and i don’t have any experience in audio-visual media nor any voice training. As such, you will likely find flaws. For instance, since i have never given any public speeches nor taught anyone, you may find me covering too much in too little time or going faster in places where the pace ought to have been slower, or vice versa. If these problems exist, i apologise. And i hope you will understand the implications of the programme despite them.


Now to introduce the programme:

Most personal development programmes are based on templates – usually, one that has worked for the trainer.

Unfortunately, the rest of us – me, you, the people around us, for instance – are different people.

We have different tastes, lifestyles, attitudes, choices, money personalities and more complex biological and physiological differences.

This means that what usually worked for the trainer, who was kind enough to share what worked for them, probably will not suit you. Maybe they will to a certain extent but likely not to the full.

This is perhaps why so many of us register for a programme and then forget the lessons after a few weeks.

Get up at 5, exercise, journal, meditate, eat healthy… everything just falls apart one by one.

Yes, you can build micro habits but unless they take you where you want to go, the 1% change will not lead to long-term change.

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What, then, is a good way to live your life to the full – to become the best version of yourself, and get some degree of financial freedom in the process?

The best way to start is to perhaps realise that you are unique. Unique in the history of time.

Never in the billion-plus years until now of this Universe or in the trillion or more that will follow, will there be anyone like you. Ever.

That is why your personal development journey has to be unique.

You need to find out what pulls you, what motivates you, what you like to do, how do you like to spend your time, etc. – important questions on the way to realise who you are.

The next step is to comprehend in its entirety how you, me and the people around us are pre-programmed to act in a certain way and fail more than succeed thanks to how evolution has shaped us.

Once you crack these two steps – understanding your uniqueness and comprehending how evolution has shaped us – you will get to a place where you are likely to have more clarity about yourself and the world, and this starts to create exceptional changes in your life.

This programme is meant to help you reach the path that leads to your goals.

It does not show you the steps to success since you have to define them yourself. You need to create the path you will be happy to walk on for the foreseeable future.

In other words, this course will give you the foundation to understand yourself and the world around you better – hopefully free from any cognitive bias. How you use this awareness, where you want to go is up to you.

The programme works on a simple system: it helps you understand yourself by asking the right questions and finding the right answers. It helps you reach a place that will redefine how you look at yourself and the world around you. And do so free from any heuristic bias.

Moreover, since this is a programme that helps people realise the value of time and money, it teaches you how people react to money and how understanding your money personality will help you get a better grip on your finances.


And oh, yes, the programme is free.




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