• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Marker forces of Demand and Supply

What you will learn


Market Forces of Supply and Demand

Demand, Supply, shift factors of demand and supply

market equilibrium, demand and supply equilibrium


This course has been designed in a professional way for all levels because this course is starting from the basic level where anybody can get the idea. This lecture will provide clear insights into how the market forces are working which deals with the demand side of the economy.  Demand-side of the economy deals with the consumers and the supply side deals with producers. There are some factors that affect the demand and supply that creates excess supply or excess demand condition.

On Demand-side we are discussing here the quantity demanded, the law of demand, the demand curve, shift factors of the demand curve, and movement along the demand curve.

On the supply side, the Law of supply, supply curve, supply schedule, shift factors of the supply curve, and movement along the supply curve.

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Finally, the Equilibrium condition of market forces, equilibrium price, and equilibrium quantity.

In the end, once you covered the whole course, you will be able to solve the practice questions that deal with the understanding of the course. you will do some assignments and quizzes that will be based on the demand and supply related.

This course will also be discussing all factors that affect the demand side such as consumer behavior, and there are some supply-related factors that affect the sellers.




Introduction File 2

Chapter 2: Demand Schedule, Law of Demand, and Shift Factors of demand curve

Demand Schedule and Law of demand
Derivation of demand Curve
Shift Factors of Demand Curve
Shift Factors of demand curve
Demand side Quiz

Chapter 3: Supply Schedule

Law of supply and supply schedule
Derivation of Supply Curve
Shift Factors of Supply curve
Shift Factors of the Supply Curve

Chapter 4: Market Forces Equilibrium

Equilibrium Price and Quantity

Assignments and Quizzes

Supply Curve