• Post category:StudyBullet-11
  • Reading time:5 mins read

(Real Life Case Study and Experience Method)

What you will learn

Students will learn about the Basic simple understanding of diabetics

How it really works with respect to insulin creation and insulin resistant types of diabetics.

Also different types of diabetes such as type 1, type 2, Gestational diabetes has been shown with pictures symptoms

Remedies to take care in our food habits and routine of everyday today exercise et cetera

All prevention, remedies through food habits for each diabetic type has been explained with easy implementable points.

Associated problems with respect to diabetics such as I diseases, tooth disorders, feet ulcers, skin ruptures

Why diabetic is really bad in terms of increasing fat and cholesterol which is relating to heart attack on coronary diseases


About This Master Class:

This course teaches students about Basic awareness of diabetics and how it really happens for a person has been explained with simple pictures in illustrations. Also different types of diabetes such as type 1, type 2, Gestational diabetes have been shown with pictures, symptoms and remedies to take care in our food habits and routine of everyday today exercise et cetera. Why diabetic is not a big lifestyle in curable disease and how it can be reversed by changing of debits and lifestyle exercises so that it could be easily handled and managed well has been discussed in this course for students.

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Benefits of the Master Class:

  1. Students will learn about the Basic simple understanding of diabetics and how it really works with respect to insulin creation and insulin resistant types of diabetics.
  2. Also different types of diabetes such as type 1, type 2, Gestational diabetes has been shown with pictures symptoms and remedies to take care in our food habits and routine of everyday today exercise et cetera
  3. All prevention, remedies through food habits for each diabetic type has been explained with easy implementable points.
  4. Associated problems with respect to diabetics such as I diseases, tooth disorders, feet ulcers, skin ruptures have been discussed with symptoms, remedies and preventions to take care of.
  5. Why diabetic is really bad in terms of increasing fat and cholesterol which is relating to heart attack on coronary diseases and also spoils the joints and weakens the bone system in our body and then it damages the kidney system and with respect to that next is mortality, why dark is related to all these diseases has been discussed.
  6. Students can make an easy check whether they are diabetic or not by showing them some numbers and explanation and how to treat somebody for first-aid if they’re having low BP if they fall down. How to treat them before getting into hospital for full hand treatment has been discussed and taught to the students of this course.


