• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Develop Fullstack Apps with NextJS14 Tailwind CSS & MongoDB
Build Fullstack Projects from Scratch using NextJS and Tailwind CSS, get great jobs in the market

What you will learn

You will learn all the concepts of Tailwind CSS

You will learn how to setup Tailwind CSS and start with development

You will learn about working of Next js app and its file structure

You will learn to Develop Fullstack Application using NextJS14 and Tailwind CSS

You will learn how to develop Frontend and Backend using NextJS Framework

You will learn about various concepts like App Router, Templates, Cache, SEO, Client and Server Side rendering and much more


Tailwind CSS & NEXT JS are hot in the Job Market – Easily get Job or Upgrade your salary by switching to new Job.

In this course you will learn to develop fullstack applications using NextJS, Tailwind CSS and MongoDB with Mongoose, by following below steps:

Step 1: Set Up Next.js Project

  1. Install Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your computer.
  2. Create a Next.js App: Use the command line to create a new Next.js app by running a few commands. This sets up the basic structure of your project.
  3. Run the App: Start your Next.js app to ensure everything is set up correctly. You can view your app by visiting a local development server.

Step 2: Install and Configure Tailwind CSS

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  1. Install Tailwind CSS: Add Tailwind CSS to your project to enhance styling capabilities. This involves installing it and configuring a few files.
  2. Create Tailwind Config: Generate a configuration file for Tailwind CSS to customize its behavior. This file helps tailor the styling to your specific needs.
  3. Configure Styles: Set up a global stylesheet that imports Tailwind CSS. This makes Tailwind classes available throughout your project.

Step 3: Use Tailwind CSS in Components

Now that Tailwind CSS is integrated, you can use its classes directly in your React components. This allows you to easily style your application.

Step 4: Building Full-Stack Functionality

  1. API Routes: Utilize Next.js API routes for building backend functionality. These routes can handle server-side logic and respond to client requests.
  2. Data Fetching: Use Next.js data fetching methods to retrieve data for your pages. This ensures your pages have the necessary information before rendering.
  3. Integrate with Backend: Connect your Next.js app to a backend server or a database. This is where you handle tasks like storing and retrieving data.
  4. Deployment: Deploy your application to make it accessible online. Platforms like Vercel are popular for deploying Next.js apps.

Step 5: Additional Features

  1. Authentication: Implement user authentication using libraries like NextAuth.js or Auth0 to secure your application.
  2. Routing: Explore Next.js routing capabilities for creating dynamic and nested routes within your application.
  3. Optimizations: Optimize your app for better performance by utilizing features like image optimization, code splitting, and lazy loading.



Course Introduction
About your Instructor

Mastering Tailwind CSS from Scratch

Overview Of Tailwind CSS and How it Differs from Bootstrap
Installing and Setup for Development Environment
Hello World with Tailwind and Installing important extensions
Setting Up Tailwind CSS the Right Way
How to explore the documentation
Project-1 Align Element at center of the page
Project-2 Utility First by Creating a Card Component
Project-3 Hover Focus And Other states by creating a custom Button
Concept of Responsive Design in Tailwind
Practicals to understand Responsive Design concept for different devices
Project-4 Designing Responsive Card – Part-1
Project-4 Designing Responsive Card – Part-2
Project-4 Designing Responsive Card – Part-3
Variable Styling in Tailwind
Animations Transitions and Translate in Tailwind
Responsive Row Column Layout – Part-1
Responsive Row Column Layout – Part-2
Responsive Navbar – Part-1
Responsive Navbar – Part-2
Responsive Navbar – Part-3
Free Tailwind UI Components

NextJS Project: Introduction and Installation

Creating Next App
Folder structure and working of Next app
Installing MongoDB database and creating database
Installing npm dependencies

NextJS Project: Developing Frontend with Tailwind CSS and NextJS

Creating NavBar component
Styling the navigation bar with tailwind css
Create the Item List component
Styling the ItemList component – Part-1
Styling the Delete Item button
Styling the ItemList component – Part-2
Create Add New Item Page
Styling the Add Item page
Creating Edit Item dynamic page
Creating and Styling the Edit Item component

NextJS Project: Developing the Backend with NextJS, Mongoose and MongoDB

Establishing connection with mongodb
Create new mongoose schema for Item model
POST API to create new item and save it into database
GET API to fetch all items created so far
DELETE an item with provided id as url search param
PUT update an item with dynamic id passed in url path
GET details of one item with matching id
Call getAll Items API from Frontend
Displaying the data from API on UI
Testing the Item List functionality and Verifying Server Side Rendering for SEO
Adding state variables and submit handler to Add Item component
Integrating Create Item API with frontend, routing to home on success, the funct
Integrating Delete item with backend and testing the functionality
Getting the Item ID inside the Edit Page via the dynamic route params
Getting Item Detail from API and passing it to Edit Item Component
Binding the state variables to the form
Calling Update Item API and test the functionality

Source Code

Code Base