Career Development

What you will learn

Resume building

Interview preparation

How to network

How to answer interview questions


Learn tips and gain tools to help you navigate through your career development journey.

The course will walk you through my experiences for preparing a targeted resume, learn winning interview techniques and conquer your fears for networking.

I provide examples on how to answer questions in an interview, and what to avoid in your resumes and interviews.

Learn how to get rid of nervousness through proper preparation and know your strengths, skills, and competencies.

There are 14 videos that are targeted to all areas of career coaching. I cover the main topics that most people want to learn about getting a job and how to stand out of the crowd.

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I have had a long and successful career and learned a lot about the art of creating targeted resumes, and what employers are looking for in a great interview.

I also provide tips on networking, the importance of it and how to do it successfully.

Finding a job has many challenges and obstacles and requires planning and preparation. My videos will help you with many questions and provide you with easy-to-understand content in the videos.

If you require assistance as you pursue your career goals I can help you get comfortable and build your confidence.




How to Overcome Your Nervousness?

Deeper Dive in Job Interviews

What is an Interview?
Smart Things to Say in an Interview
Answering Difficult Questions
Why Did you leave your previous job?
Why Do you Want to Work here?
More Interesting Questions!
Another Set of Interview Questions!

Focus on Value

Know Value you Bring

Phone Interviews

Phone Interview Techniques

How Networking Can help?

How Networking Can Help?

Lets Focus on Resume

What is a Resume?

Recap and Conclusion

Recap and Conclusion