• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Become fullstack developer by building real world projects using VueJS-3, Springboot-3 and Bootstrap-5

What you will learn

You will learn about the concepts of VueJS 3

You will learn about the concepts of Springboot API development

You will develop a complete frontend using Bootstrap 5 and VueJS 3

You will develop REST API using Springboot 3 and Maven and Java 17

You will learn to use Postman tool

You will learn to integrate the VueJS app with Springboot REST API

You will learn about debugging and troubleshooting techniques.

You will get the complete source code


In this course you will learn to develop fullstack applications using VueJS-3, Springboot-3, Bootstrap-5 and MySQL.

You will learn to troubleshoot and debug end to end and fix issue.

You will also get the complete source code.

Full-stack development with Vue.js and Spring Boot combines the robust backend capabilities of Spring Boot with the dynamic frontend features of Vue.js, offering a comprehensive solution for building modern, scalable web applications. Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, simplifies the development of interactive user interfaces by enabling developers to create reusable components and efficiently manage state.

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On the server side, Spring Boot provides a powerful and flexible Java-based framework for building RESTful APIs and handling backend logic. Its convention-over-configuration approach and seamless integration with various data sources make it an ideal choice for building scalable and maintainable server-side applications.

The integration of Vue.js and Spring Boot fosters a seamless flow of data between the frontend and backend, ensuring a responsive and efficient user experience. Vue.js allows developers to create dynamic views, while Spring Boot handles the server-side processing, resulting in a well-organized and modular codebase.

Moreover, the combination of these technologies facilitates rapid development and deployment cycles, making it easier for teams to iterate on features and respond to changing requirements. With Vue.js and Spring Boot, developers can leverage the strengths of both frameworks to create robust, scalable, and feature-rich web applications that meet the demands of modern software development.



Introduction, Installation and Setup

Course Introduction
Installing Nodejs and VS Code Editor
Installing Vue CLI
Creating new VueJS-3 app
Run and access the app via browser
Installing the npm dependencies
Installing Java and IDE
Installing Postman Tool
Installing MySQL Database Server
Creating SpringBoot project with required dependencies

Developing Springboot 3 based REST API

Importing Project to IDE and Setting JDK
Adding H2 Database Spring Data JPA configuration
Creating the JPA Entity class with different fields
Creating the DTO class for presentation layer
7.0-Layered architecture and various packages
Creating the Repository Interface
Creating Controller class
Developing POST API Endpoint
Developing the GET All API endpoint
Developing GET Detail API Endpoint
Developing UPDATE API Endpoint
Developing DELETE API and PathVariable VS RequestParam
Return 204 as status code after deletion
Developing PATCH API Endpoint
Declaring the Service Layer Abstract Methods
Adding Service Impl methods and Integration with Controller
Saving the Data into the Database using Repository
Getting All Data From the Database using Repository
Get Detail from Database using Repository
Full Update in Database using Repository
Partial Update in Database using Repository
Delete data from Database using Repository
Implement Search functionality End to End
Setting Postman Variable and Testing GET Detail API
Testing Search API
Testing Full Update, Partial Update and Delete API
Code Improvement to avoid returning null response
Creating Converter to make code reusable
Testing the complete functionality
Create Database on MySQL DB Server
Profiles in Springboot, Setup MySQL DB Profile
Concept of Spring Profile
Testing All APIs with MySQL Database
Enabling CORS

Developing the VueJS-3 based Frontend & Integrating with Springboot REST API

Vue JS understanding app flow and folder structure
Understanding details of a Vue component and installing Vue VS code extension
Creating env file for storing configuration
Creating all the Vue Components
Updating main.js with app level configuration
Adding routing to our app
Updating App.vue component
Developing a reusable Layout Container
Adding Skeleton Code to all the pages
Styling Items Overview Page
Making GET API call to fetch all items
Debugging and solving the base url issue in axios
Looping All Items in Vue Template
Making Delete API call with Alert message for different scenarios
Updating template to add delete button and test the delete functionality
Update template with markup for Edit and Detail item functionality
Working on template of item detail page
Making GET API call to fetch Item Detail
Mapping the API response to data fields of the component
Working on the Create Item template
Implementing POST API call to create new item and testing the functionality
Implementing PUT API call to update item and testing the functionality