• Post category:StudyBullet-2
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Are you ready to build your 7-figure business?

What you will learn

How to develop a great business idea into a business

The steps to building and engaging your key audience

Selling essentials to crafting a scalable sales model that works

The keys to delivering a world class product or service


Great businesses are built by entrepreneurs who understand that their business is a reflection of themselves. When starting a business you are architecting the future from the ground up.

In order to build a business that reaches any kind of heightened level of success, it is imperative to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to push through each stage of the journey.

This course has been specifically designed by me, Jack Delosa, 5x AFR Young Rich Lister and the Founder of The Entourage, to give you the exact blueprint you need to follow in order to build a successful 7-figure business.

Access the exact frameworks, strategies, principles and blueprints we teach our members to build a 7 figure business including learning how to:

Think like an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is about creating a life of choice and not of chance. It requires you to step out of your comfort zone and create a path that is uniquely you.

Develop a great business idea

The entrepreneurial journey you are starting is challenging and you will be tested time and time again. Discover your passion worth fighting for and dedicate your life’s work to it.

Build and engage your audience

Understand your consumer better than they understand themselves. The hearts and minds consumer quadrant will enable you to speak to your customers in a way that truly connects with their wants and needs.

Craft your sales model

As an early stage entrepreneur, you should spend 80% of your time on revenue generating activities. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, if you don’t spend enough time on revenue generating activities you’ll fail.

Deliver to customers

Customers are happy when they get more than they expect. You need to know what your customers expect in terms of timing, price, packaging and customer service – then exceed those expectations.

Are you ready to build your 7-figure business?




Course Introduction

Course Introduction

About Your Instructor

Step 1: Think Like An Entrepreneur

Be an independent thinker

View your work as extension of yourself


You need to hold a vision

You need to hold a mission

Everything is your responsibility

Effective leadership

Develop A Great Business Idea

Become the best in the world

Develop customer segments

Understand the problem

Develop your unique value proposition

Achieve evidence of fit

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Adopt a position of null hypothesis

3 rules for a startup

Build And Engage Your Audience

Leverage — do more with less

Build a customer profile

Go where they are — key marketing channels

Build relationships

Call to actions

Build your own audience

Recency and frequency

Develop a marketing funnel

Test and iterate

Leverage the media

How to write a press release that captures media attention

Craft Your Sales Model

80% of the time

Don’t sell, help them buy

Give advice — you are the doctor

Design deliberate packages

Sell more to existing customers

Vary customer service level

Blog post: Brand separation between Zappos.com and 6pm.com

Deliver To Customers

Exceeding expectations is key

Case Study: What makes The Entourage one of the best places to work?

Packaging and design is important

Delegate and dilute

The system for writing systems

Customer feedback is key

Course Wrap Up

Wrap up


What are the top 3 mistakes startups make?