• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Learn Linux and Supercharge Your IT Career

What you will learn

Use the Linux Command Line

Control the Linux File System

Manipulate Data from the Shell

Control Processes

Control System Users

Install Software from the Terminal

Connect to the Internet

A few tricks


Linux is the fastest growing operating system in the world, it is at heart of the Internet and computing. Learn the basic Linux commands you need to succeed 

If you are in IT, you are really missing out if you don’t learn the Linux terminal. Billions of servers, embedded systems and super computers use Linux. So, don’t be left behind!

At the end of this course, you will be able to use Linux Terminal Commands.

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All course updates are 100% FREE. Buy this course once and own it for life. You will have Linux support: You can ask me direct questions.

Wait, are you still reading this?! The course comes with a genuine 30 day, no hassles, money-back guarantee. So, there is absolutely nothing to risk here. Enroll today!



Starting Linux

Course Overview
What is Linux
Overview: Start a Linux system
Option 1: Access a terminal emulator on Web or Android device
(Optional) Option 2: Install Ubuntu Linux in Virtual Box or PC
Quiz: Introduction

File Management

Current directory
Change directory
List files and folders
Create new directory
Deleting files and folders
Show file contents
Copy files
Rename files
Disk Use
Searching for a file
Quiz: File Systems

Text Fu

Redirect operator
Pipe operator
Environment variables
Head and Tail
Quiz: Text Fu

Process Management

Show processes
Process Management with TUI
Terminate unresponsive programs
Quiz: Processes

Network and Internet

Network devices and connectivity
Wireless networks
Quiz: Networking

Package management

Apt-get (Debian and Ubuntu Linux)
Zip and unzip
Create a tar archive
Create a tar.gz archive
Extract tar and tar.gz archives
Quiz: Packages

User Management

Add user
Change your password
Super Powers
Quiz: Users

Bonus: Tricks

Show system information
Show previous commands
Bash Scripting