10 Strategies To Get Your Next Set Of Customers Without Exactly Spending On Marketing
What you will learn
Learn about leveraging Online trends
Learn about Affiliate Marketing
Learn about Guest Posting
Learn about leveraging your customer audience
Strategies To Get Your Next Set Of Customers Without Exactly Spending On Marketing
A customer is an individual or a company that purchases goods from another store to either keep it or sell it. Customers are an integral part of any organization.
One of the effective ways of promoting one’s business is by Marketing. However,not everyone has the type of budget that is required for Marketing.
Does that mean you can’t promote your business? Or Does that mean without marketing you can’t get customers? The answer to those questions is a resounding No.
There are several ways by which one can get customers which does not involve spending exactly on Marketing. This course would teach you that.
This course focuses on introducing you to 10 major strategies with which you can get new customers, without necessarily spending on marketing. In this course, you will learn the following;
- Niched directory site
- Google My Business
- Leveraging Your Customer Audience
- Leveraging Online Trends
- Strategic Commenting
- Guest Posting
- Affiliate Marketing
- Weekly Communication
- Things to be concerned about
- People who are business owners
- People who want to start a business
- Growth analyst
In this course, you would learn how to put all these strategies to work in order to get maximum and effecient results.