Are you sure that you are reading Surat Al-Fatihah correctly?

What you will learn

After completing this course, you will be proficient in reading Surah Al-Fatihah (which is the greatest surah in the Holy Quran)

You will have known some of the rules of Tajweed and these rules can be applied in many places in the Holy Quran

If you master this course, you will be able to teach (Surat Al-Fatihah) to others.

If you master this course, you can complete the rules of Tajweed and have acquired a background in the science of Tajweed.

Tajweed is an easy science, but you need someone to convey the information to you in an interesting way

Why take this course?

Surat al-Fatihah is very important, and its virtues and blessings are many.

It is one of the pillars or essential parts of the prayer, and no prayer is valid without it. Al-Bukhari (756) and Muslim (394) narrated from β€˜Ubaadah ibn as-Saamit (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: β€œThere is no prayer for the one who does not recite the Opening of the Book (i.e., Soorat al-Fatihah).”

There is no doubt that Surah Al-Fatihah is very important, and we must learn it, because we need it every day when we pray.

Here, in this short course, we learn together how to read it correctly, in sha’ allah.

It is known that the science of Tajweed is very important, because the one who recites the Qur’an skillfully will be in the company of the noble and righteous messenger-angels.

A skillful reciter is one who reads the Qur’an with perfection. He maintains correct recitation and good memorization.

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However, the one who reads the Qur’an with difficulty receives two rewards; one for the recitation and the other for the hardship.

This wonderful course consists of 4 videos:

– Video 1:Β  (17 minutes) approximately

– Video 2: (14 minutes) approximately

– Video 3: (13 minutes) approximately

– Video 4: (13 minutes) approximately
