Web Design for Absolute Beginners: Coding in HTML
Learn how to script with HTML to design web pages in the beginner level!

What you will learn

Understand the basics of HTML

Script using basic HTML Tags

Create tables and lists in web page

Create forms using HTML


Websites aid in telling the tale of the person or the company. Learning HTML facilitates the creation of webpages, satiating the interest on creating websites. You can learn the foundations of HTML with the aid of this course. The course is made to help those new to web development learn the fundamentals of HTML. You can learn the basic HTML tags for displaying the text, formatting the text, adding lists and tables in the webpage. It also helps in understanding the usage for HTML forms.

The entire course is split into two sections. The first section explains the basic introduction on HTML where you can learn the basic tags in HTML and various text formatting tags. The second section covers the methods of adding lists, tables and forms in HTML webpage.

Being a beginner in web development this course will help you to learn the basics of HTML and start creating your webpages using HTML. As HTML is the basic concept in designing webpages, learning the elements in HTML will enrich your knowledge in the field of web development.

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The quizzes and the coding exercises provided in the sections will give you a practical exposure on the topics and helps you to assess yourself and your learning.

Happy Learning!




Introduction to HTML
Introduction to the environment
My First HTML Page

Basic HTML Tags

Adding Headings in HTML
Adding Paragraphs in HTML
Coding Exercise on Basic HTML
Images in HTML
Links in HTML
Text Formatting Tags in HTML
Quiz on Basic HTML Tags

Content Modelling

HTML Lists
Quiz on HTML Lists
HTML Tables
HTML Forms
Quiz on HTML Forms