• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Get Freedom From Stress, burnout, anxiety, or Busyness & Spend More Time With Friends & Family.

What you will learn

You’ll be able to save 2 to 3 hours every for your personal project or side hustle

You’ll be able to know when you’re the best performer in 24 hours frame

You won’t feel stress, burnout or overwhelmed because of bad time management

You’ll be able to keep promises to your friends and family members

You’ll always know what am I going to do next

You’ll be able to avoid time waste and distraction

You won’t get confuse about your passion or priority

Other people won’t be able to use your time for their own gain

You’ll be able to respond when someone will ask you for your time when you’re already so busy

And most importantly “You’ll live a happy, stress free successful life”


Time Blocking – 3 Steps to Plan Your Day in a Distracted World

Hello There,

Do you feel that whenever you start working on your to-do list, something comes up like An argent email that needs a reply. An unscheduled meeting or a phone call.

Maybe you’re juggling your work, side projects, and your personal life, and the list never gets short. They all demand more of your time.

You don’t know where your time is going and why so many unfinished untouched things are still left. All these things make you feel tired and frustrated and that brings sadness and unfulfillment into your life. If all these happening in your life let me clear something,

The problem is not in you, the problem is in your schedule

  • That’s why you aren’t able to produce good results at the work
  • That’s the reason you’re not able to save time to work on your personal projects
  • That’s the reason aren’t able to keep the promise to your family and friends.

I had combat these problems some time ago and recently noticed that there are a lot of people who are suffering from the same problems which I have solved for myself so I thought I should share this technique with you guys. That’s why I created this class to teach you how to master your schedule and save 2 or 3 hours every day for the things that you love to do.

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I’m sure you have heard of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or Cal Newport, have you?

All these highly successful people use the same technique I’m gonna teach you which is the Time Blocking technique.

This technique is simple and it works. And I’m going to show you how, with my unique way to apply it.

Along with the time blocking technique, you’ll also learn some other ways to improve and master your schedules like how to stop people from ruining your schedule and how you can organize yourself so you face no or fewer burnout situations, and also how to avoid emergency or urgent situation that destroys your whole plan of the day.

There’re so many things you gonna learn,

So let’s keep it short and get started





Time Blocking

What is The Time Blocking
Find out Your Goals & Priorities
Your Productive Hours
How To Create Rock & Solid Schedule
Make it Super EFFECTIVE
Defend Your Time
How to Say NO
Do It Now

More learnings

4 Effective ways to beat work load
7 Steps to Set Clear Goals
Plan in Advance

Bonus section

Bonus lecture