• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:13 mins read

In-depth tutorial for TestNG with Maven and Jenkins with Real Time Examples, MCQs, Cheat Sheets and Interview Questions

What you will learn

***** At the end of this course, you will have in depth knowledge of TestNG Testing Frameworks and you will be a master of TestNG

***** We have 2 dedicated INSTRUCTORS for each course to help you with queries within 24 HOURS

You will have excellent command on Build Management using MAVEN

You should be able to lead any Java based Automation Project from scratch on your own

You will be able to understand and write efficient testing code using TestNG

***** Complete knowledge on TestNG, Maven and Jenkins

Solve all hurdles coming with TestNG while learning on Selenium

Implement TestNG in your project (wherever applicable) on your own.

Understand in depth various types of Annotations and Assertions in detail including Hard Assertions and Soft Assertions

Learn various important features of TestNG such as Priority, Dependency, Grouping, Data Providers, Disable and TImeouts

Able to implement Custom Listener Classes using TestNG Listeners

Understand in depth running Test Cases in Parallel using TestNG

Understand TestNG Reporting

Learn in depth knowledge of Maven and how to run TestNG Test Cases using Maven

Learn in depth knowledge of Jenkins and how to schedule jobs to run our TestNG Test Cases

Have multiple choice questions, cheat sheets and interview questions for each sections

Finally you will be 100 % clear in TestNG concepts and able to clear any interview


TestNG – All in One(Crash Course) – [Course Last Updated 11th Nov, 2021] + Skype support also provided to needed students

By crash course we mean every lecture is small and precise and explains one topic at a time and is a step by step guide. It doesn’t mean that it is a summarized course, instead it means a detailed step by step guide where all the topics are included for TestNG including Maven and Jenkins .

This course covers TestNG, Maven, Jenkins, MCQs (Multiple choice Questions), Cheat sheets, Interview Questions and all Codes available for download.

*** Please look at our Course Content Video or Course Content below for complete details***

This course is a single unique place in Udemy which will provide in depth knowledge in TestNG along with Maven and Jenkins

Unlike other courses in Udemy, this course provides over 6.5 hours of videos along with

MCQs (Multiple choice Questions), Cheat sheets, Interview Questions and all Codes to download at the end of each sections.

Every lecture is small and precise and explains one topic at a time and is a step by step guide.

If you have zero knowledge in Java or TestNG, don’t worry we have some basic video on Java to get you started and later we will have step by step TestNG along with Maven and Jenkins what will help you understand and learn quickly

Includes 6.5 hours of videos (64 videos) + MCQs, Cheat sheets, Interview Questions (Section wise)

We will provide life time support to our students.

We have over 10 trainers from corporate world available at different time zone and can help answer your questions fast and easily.

If you feel that any topic is missing or is not available then please reply us using message in Udemy and we will be happy to add them.

If you have any question regarding any topics please post them in Q&A sections and we will get back to you within 12 hours.

***If still the issue is not resolved we will help you by taking you over Skype or Team Viewer. You can always message us in Udemy if you have any problems where you got stuck and need individual assistance. ***

By the by the end of the course you will master in TestNG with Maven and Jenkins and will be able to clear any interview.

Summarized Course Contents [For full course content in each section please check “Curriculum for This Course”]

Section 1:

Introduction: Covers details like why to take the course, course content and introduction to TestNG

Section 2:

Java Setup: Covers details like basic thing needed for Java Setup, Java Environmental Setup and Eclipse Setup

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Section 3:

Basic Idea on Java – specially for Java Novice : Covers details like Creating your first Java Project and Writing your first program in Java

Section 4:

TestNG Setup: Covers details like different ways to setup TestNG      

Section 5:

TestNG Annotations: Covers in-depth details of various types of annotations supported in TestNG with examples

Section 6:

TestNG Assertions: Covers in-depth details of various types of assertions   supported in TestNG with examples

Section 7:

Other Features of TestNG: Covers Hard Assertion, Soft Assertions, Hard Assertions with Try Catch, Disable in TestNG and Timeouts in Methods and Suite Level as well as Precedence with various examples

Section 8:

Other Advanced Features of TestNG: Covers in-depth details of TestNG Priority, TestNG Dependency, TestNG Grouping, TestNG Data Providers, TestNG ITest Results, TestNG ITestListener, TestNG IExecutionListener etc. with various examples

Section 9:

TestNG Reporting: Covers details of Surefire Reporting

Section 10:

TestNG with Maven: Covers in-depth details of Installing Maven to running TestNG Test Cases using Maven

Section 11:

TestNG with Jenkins: Covers in-depth details of Installing Jenkins, Creating Job, Configuring Job and running TestNG Test Cases using Scheduled Job

Section 12:

TestNG Running Test Cases using Parallel: Covers in-depth details of running TestNG Test Cases in parallel with various examples

Note: The above Course content is the summarized one, to view more details of the topics covered in each section please check “Curriculum for This Course”.




Why shall I take this course ?
TestNG Course Content
TestNG Introduction
Introduction MCQs

Java Setup

Basic things needed for Java Setup
What is JDK, JDK Download and Setup
Eclipse Setup
Java Environment Setup
Java Environment Setup MCQ

Basic Idea on Java – specially for Java Novice

Creating your first Java project
Writing your first program in Java

TestNG Setup

Four (4) Different ways to TestNG Setup
TestNG Install from Eclipse Marketplace
TestNG Install from “Install New Software”
TestNG Install from Offline Jar File
TestNG Install from Maven Pom Dependency

TestNG Annotations

What is Annotations ?
@BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite
@BeforeTest and @AfterTest
Annotations MCQs

TestNG Assertions

Assert Defination

Other features of TestNG

Hard Assertions and Hard Assert with Try Catch
Soft Assertions
Disable in TestNG
Timeout in Methods and Suite Level as well as Precedence
Other Features of TestNG MCQs

Other Advanced Features of TestNG

TestNG Priority
TestNG Dependency Explaination
TestNG dependsOnMethods [3 Examples]
TestNG dependsOnGroups and dependsOnMethods [2 Examples]
TestNG Grouping Defination
TestNG Grouping Example 1
TestNG Grouping Example 2
TestNG Grouping Example 3
TestNG Data Providers
TestNG Data Provider in Separate Class
TestNG Data Provider with Method in Parameter
TestNG ITest Results
TestNG IExecutionListeners
Other Advanced Features of TestNG MCQs

Assignment on TestNG Dependency

TestNG Reporting

Surefire Report
TestNG Reporting MCQs

TestNG with Maven

Maven Defination
Install Maven Through Marketplace
Maven Install and Environmental Setup
Maven Project Setup
Writing pom.xml in Scratch and Running TestNG Tests using Maven (In Detail)
Saving Maven Test Logs
TestNG with Maven MCQs

TestNG with Jenkins

Jenkins Installation and What is Jenkins ?
Installing Maven Plugin for Jenkins
Creating a Job in Jenkins
Scheduling Jenkins for Automatic Execution and Creating Cron Schedule Expression
TestNG with Jenkins Multiple Choice Questions

TestNG Running Test Cases in Parallel

Parallelism in TestNG
Running Methods in Parallel
Running Classes in Parallel
Running Tests Inside a Suite in Parallel
Invocation of Test and Running Test Method in Parallel
TestNG Running Test Cases in Parallel MCQs

Interview Questions

TestNG Important Interview Questions

